
拉萨:吉祥酥油花 指尖上的新年祝福

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2025-02-27

Butter sculptures enjoy widespread popularity in Lhasa ahead of Tibetan New Year

在拉萨市老城区,手工艺人在制作酥油花(2月25日摄)。藏历新年临近,西藏拉萨年味渐浓,酥油花销售火热,传递着新年的美好祝福。[新华社记者 晋美多吉 摄]

A craftsman makes a butter sculpture in Lhasa, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, Feb. 25, 2025. Ahead of the upcoming Tibetan New Year, the butter sculptures in shapes of trees, flowers, birds, animals, etc., have enjoyed widespread popularity across the city. (Xinhua/Jigme Dorje)

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