A glimpse of development of Xiong'an New Area in China's Hebei
雄安新区容东片区(3月12日摄,无人机照片)。河北雄安新区自设立以来,从“一纸规划”绘蓝图到“多点开花”抓实干,来自五湖四海的建设者投身这片热土,见证着雄安日新月异的变化。目前,雄安新区已进入大规模建设与承接北京非首都功能疏解并重阶段,工作重心已转向高质量建设、高水平管理、高质量疏解发展并举。贯彻高质量发展要求,创造“雄安质量”,在推动高质量发展方面成为全国的一个样板,雄安新区正朝着建设“妙不可言、心向往之”的“未来之城”稳步前行。[新华社记者 牟宇 摄]
An aerial drone photo taken on March 12, 2025 shows a view of Rongdong area of Xiong'an New Area, north China's Hebei Province. Since China announced plans to establish the Xiong'an New Area in April 2017, it has evolved from a blueprint into a vibrant city. The development of Xiong'an New Area, dubbed China's "city of the future," has entered a phase when the same importance must be attached to both its large-scale construction and its purpose to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as the national capital. (Xinhua/Mu Yu)
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