

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2025-03-19

3月17日,游客在沙溪古镇内游览观光。春日,云南省大理白族自治州剑川县的沙溪古镇迎来众多观光游客。古镇位于金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三江并流自然保护区东南部,历史上曾是滇藏茶马古道的重要驿站。古镇保存着传统村落风貌,包含大量明清时期的民居院落、古戏台等历史遗存。[新华社记者 陈欣波 摄]

Tourists visit Shaxi Town in Jianchuan County, southwest China's Yunnan Province, March 17, 2025. Shaxi, a remote township in Jianchuan County, was once an important trading hub for tea, herbs, silk and salt on the ancient Tea Horse Road, a trade route dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The ancient temples, old alleys and caravansaries of the ancient town are reminders of past glories and attract tourists from around the world. (Xinhua/Chen Xinbo)

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