

发布时间:2016-07-13 18:02:31  |  来源:中国翻译研究院  |  作者:  |  责任编辑:李潇

菲律宾一再采取导致争议复杂化的行动The Philippines Has Repeatedly Taken Moves that Complicate and Escalate the Relevant Disputes
自20世纪80年代以来,菲律宾一再采取导致争议复杂化的行动。Since the 1980s, the Philippine government has repeatedly taken moves that complicate and escalate the relevant disputes.
菲律宾在非法侵占的中国南沙群岛有关岛礁上不断建设军事设施。The Philippines has built military facilities on some islands and reefs it invaded and illegally occupied.
1999年5月9日,菲律宾派出57号坦克登陆舰入侵中国南沙群岛仁爱礁,并以“技术故障搁浅”为借口非法“坐滩”。对此,中国持续对菲律宾进行严正交涉。菲方承诺撤走该舰,但一直拖延不动。2014年3月,菲律宾外交部公然宣称在仁爱礁非法“坐滩”就是为了“将该军舰作为菲律宾政府的永久设施部署在仁爱礁”,彻底暴露了其企图霸占仁爱礁的目的。Still worse, on May 9, 1999, the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) of the Philippines intruded into China's Ren'ai Jiao and illegally ran it aground on the pretext of "technical difficulties". China immediately demanded the Philippines to remove that vessel. The Philippines promised to tow away the vessel, but it has taken no action. In March 2014, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs openly declared that the vessel was placed in Ren'ai Jiao as a permanent Philippine government installation. This was an apparent attempt to provide an excuse for its continued refusal to fulfill its undertaking to tow away that vessel in order to illegally seize Ren'ai Jiao.
菲律宾一再扩大各种海上侵权,不断侵入中国南沙群岛有关海域袭扰中国渔民和渔船正常生产作业,滥用武力,严重侵犯中国渔民的人身和财产安全以及人格尊严,公然践踏基本人权。The Philippines has increasingly intensified its infringement of China's maritime rights and interests. The Philippines has repeatedly intruded into relevant waters of China's Nansha Islands, harassing and attacking Chinese fishermen and fishing boats conducting routine fishing operations. In addition, the Philippines treated Chinese fishermen in a violent, cruel and inhumane manner.
菲律宾还对中国黄岩岛提出领土要求并企图非法侵占。The Philippines also has territorial pretensions on China's Huangyan Dao and attempted to occupy it illegally.
1997年之前,菲律宾从未对黄岩岛属于中国提出异议,从未对黄岩岛提出领土要求。2012年4月,菲律宾出动军舰,闯入中国黄岩岛附近海域,对作业的中国渔民、渔船实施非法抓扣并施以严重非人道待遇,蓄意挑起黄岩岛事件。经中国多次严正交涉,2012年6月菲律宾从黄岩岛撤出。Before 1997, the Philippines had never challenged China's sovereignty over Huangyan Dao, nor had it laid any territorial claim to it. In April 2012, the Philippines' naval vessel BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PF-15) intruded into the adjacent waters of China's Huangyan Dao, illegally seized Chinese fishermen and fishing boats operating there and treated the fishermen in a grossly inhumane manner, thus causing the Huangyan Dao Incident. In response to the Philippines' provocation, the Chinese government promptly dispatched China Maritime Surveillance and China Fisheries Law Enforcement vessels to Huangyan Dao to protect China's sovereignty and rescue the Chinese fishermen. In June 2012, the Philippines, conscious of its own wrongdoing, withdrew relevant vessels and personnel from Huangyan Dao.
2013年1月22日,菲律宾共和国时任政府单方面提起南海仲裁案,企图借此否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。菲律宾的行为是恶意的。On January 22, 2013, the Philippines unilaterally initiated the South China Sea arbitration. This initiation of arbitration aims to deny China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. This course of conduct is taken out of bad faith.
菲律宾单方面提起仲裁,违反中菲通过双边谈判解决争议的协议。中菲在有关文件中已就通过谈判解决南海有关争议达成协议并多次予以确认。In doing so, the Philippines has violated its standing agreement with China to settle the relevant disputes through bilateral negotiation. The Philippines has turned its back on the consensus reached and repeatedly reaffirmed by China and the Philippines to settle through negotiation the relevant disputes in the South China Sea.
菲律宾单方面提起仲裁,滥用《公约》争端解决程序。菲律宾提起仲裁事项的实质是南沙群岛部分岛礁的领土主权问题,有关事项也构成中菲海洋划界不可分割的组成部分。陆地领土问题不属于《公约》的调整范围。In doing so, the Philippines has abused the UNCLOS dispute settlement procedures. The essence of the arbitration initiated by the Philippines is an issue of territorial sovereignty over some islands and reefs in the South China Sea, and the resolution of the relevant matters also constitutes an integral part of maritime delimitation between China and the Philippines. Land territorial issues are not regulated by UNCLOS.
鉴于上述,应菲律宾单方面请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭自始无管辖权,所作出的裁决是无效的,没有拘束力。中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益在任何情况下不受仲裁裁决的影响。中国不接受、不承认该裁决,反对且不接受任何以仲裁裁决为基础的主张和行动。In conclusion, the awards rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration established at the Philippines' unilateral request have no binding force. Nor do they have any effect on China's sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and China's maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. China does not accept or recognize the awards. China will never accept any claim or action on the pretext of these awards.

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