二、2017年中央和地方预算草案 | II. Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2017 |
2017年是实施“十三五”规划的重要一年,是供给侧结构性改革的深化之年。我国经济发展新常态的特征更加明显,长期向好的基本面没有变,市场活力持续释放,新动能不断成长壮大。同时,世界经济不稳定不确定因素明显增加,国内经济运行仍存在不少突出矛盾和问题。从财政看,增收潜力和减收因素并存,地区间财政收入增长分化将进一步延续,重点领域和刚性支出需求压力较大,收支矛盾仍然十分突出。各级财政要牢固树立过紧日子的思想,大力弘扬艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的优良作风,把更多财力用在为人民群众谋实事、办好事上。 | The year 2017 is an important year for implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan and continuing the supply-side structural reform. The new normal in China's economic development is becoming more evident, the fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain favorable for long-term growth, market dynamism is being unleashed, and new drivers of development continue to grow. On the other hand, factors causing instability and uncertainty in the global economy are growing markedly, and China's economy is confronted with many serious problems and difficulties. On the fiscal front, the potential for increasing revenue exists together with factors that may cause revenue to decline. The divergence between regions in terms of revenue growth will continue. Pressure is mounting from demands for spending in key areas and on inflexible items. The imbalance between revenue and expenditure remains serious. All levels of government must tighten their belts, act as advocates for hard work, plain living, and thrift, and use more financial resources on things that bring tangible benefits to the people. |
(一)2017年预算编制和财政工作的指导思想、主要原则。 | 1.The thinking and principles guiding the preparation of the 2017 budgets and public finance work |
根据面临的财政经济形势,2017年预算编制和财政工作的指导思想是:在以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导下,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,牢固树立和贯彻落实新发展理念,适应把握引领经济发展新常态,坚持以提高发展质量和效益为中心,坚持宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的政策思路,坚持以推进供给侧结构性改革为主线,适度扩大总需求,加强预期引导,深化创新驱动,财政政策要更加积极有效,大力实施减税降费政策,深入推进财税体制改革,着力构建现代财政制度,进一步树立过紧日子的思想,加大财政支出优化整合力度,保障重点领域支出,统筹盘活财政存量资金,提高财政资金使用效益,严格贯彻预算法,提升依法理财水平,加强地方政府性债务管理,积极防范化解财政风险,促进经济平稳健康发展和社会和谐稳定,以优异成绩迎接党的十九大胜利召开。 | Given the fiscal and economic situations we face, the thinking guiding the compilation of this year's budgets and public finance work is that we need to: -- Follow the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core -- Uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics -- Put into practice the guiding principles from the 18th National Party Congress and the third through sixth plenary sessions of the 18th Party Central Committee -- Follow the guidance of the Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents and the Theory of Sustainable and Balanced Development -- Put into effect the guiding principles from President Xi Jinping's major policy addresses and his new concepts, thoughts, and strategies related to the governance of China -- Move ahead with the plan for promoting balanced economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress -- Implement the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy* -- Continue to make progress while working to keep performance stable -- Embrace and apply China's new development philosophy -- Understand, adapt to, and guide the new normal in economic development -- Concentrate on raising the quality and efficiency of growth -- Ensure that macro-level policy maintains economic stability, industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism into the economy, reform policy delivers results, and social policy sees that basic needs are met -- Focus on advancing supply-side structural reform -- See that aggregate demand is appropriately expanded -- Strengthen guidance over expectations -- Ensure that development is more driven by innovation -- Make fiscal policy more proactive and effective -- Channel serious energy into cutting taxes and fees -- Continue the reform of our fiscal and tax systems -- Work hard to create a modern public finance system -- Tighten our belts -- Step up efforts to improve and integrate government expenditures, ensuring spending in key areas -- See dormant budgetary funds put to good use -- Use government funds to greater effect -- Strictly implement the Budget Law -- Raise capacity for legal compliance in the management of public finance -- Strengthen management over local government debt -- Prevent and defuse fiscal risks -- Promote steady and healthy economic growth and social harmony and stability This should ensure that we greet the 19th National Party Congress with brilliant achievements. *To make comprehensive moves to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen reform, advance the law-based governance of China, and strengthen Party self-governance. |
贯彻上述指导思想,2017年预算编制着重把握以下原则:第一,大力实施减税降费政策。继续落实和完善营改增等减税降费政策,研究出台新的减税降费措施,进一步减轻企业负担,有效发挥减税降费对经济社会发展的积极效应。第二,深入推进财税体制改革。按照构建现代财政制度的要求,加快理顺中央与地方财政事权和支出责任,合理划分中央与地方收入范围,研究健全地方税体系,推动形成权责利清晰、更加有利于调动中央和地方两个积极性的财税体制。第三,继续调整优化支出结构。在适度扩大支出规模的基础上,改变支出项目只增不减的固化格局,将有限的资金用于重点领域和关键环节,大力压缩一般性支出,更好适应推进供给侧结构性改革和保障民生兜底的需要。第四,统筹盘活财政存量资金。整合政策目标相似、投入方向类同、管理方式相近的专项资金,加大政府性基金预算和国有资本经营预算调入一般公共预算统筹使用的力度。第五,积极防范化解财政风险。将赤字率控制在合理水平,加强政府债务限额管理和预算管理,完善地方政府举债融资和应急处置机制。加大对特困地区和困难省份的支持力度,确保地方财政平稳运行。 | In line with this thinking, we make sure the following principles underpin our preparation of the 2017 budgets: First, cutting taxes and fees We should continue to implement and improve policies aimed at reducing taxes and fees -including the replacement of business tax with VAT- and introduce new measures to cut taxes and fees, further reducing the burden of businesses and making sure tax and fee cuts have positive effects on economic and social development. Second, continuing the reform of our fiscal and tax systems With a view to creating a modern public finance system, we should move faster to improve the way fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities are shared between the central and local governments, appropriately determine how they share revenue, work on improving local tax systems, and work to establish fiscal and tax systems whereby the powers, responsibilities, and interests of the central and local governments are clearly defined so that full play is given to the initiative of both. Third, continuing to adjust and improve our spending structure On the basis of appropriate expenditure increases, we should work toward stopping spending on some items from constantly increasing and make a big push to cut general expenditures so that our limited funds are used for our priorities. We need to better meet the demands of moving ahead with supply-side structural reform and meeting the basic needs of the people. Fourth, putting idle budgetary funds to use We should be integrating special funds that share similar policy goals, investment directions, and modes of management, and transfer more funds from budgets for government-managed funds and state capital operations into general public budgets. Fifth, guarding against and defusing fiscal risks We need to keep the deficit-to-GDP ratio at a reasonable level, work to impose ceilings on government debt and bring it under budgetary management, and improve mechanisms for local governments to secure financing and respond to debt-related risk emergencies. We need to give stronger financial support to regions with extremely tough conditions and administrative areas at the provincial level facing particular difficulties to ensure steady operations in their public finance. |
(二)2017年财政政策。 | 2. Fiscal policy for 2017 |
2017年财政政策要更加积极有效。一是继续实施减税降费政策,进一步减轻企业负担。完善营改增试点政策,释放更大减税效应。扩大享受减半征收企业所得税优惠的小微企业范围,年应纳税所得额上限由30万元提高到50万元。科技型中小企业研发费用加计扣除比例由50%提高到75%。继续实施2016年底到期的物流企业大宗商品仓储设施城镇土地使用税等6项税收减免政策。实行上述税收政策,全年再减少企业税负3500亿元左右。全面清理规范政府性基金,取消城市公用事业附加等基金,授权地方政府自主减免部分基金。取消或停征中央涉企行政事业性收费35项,收费项目再减少一半以上,汇总公布中央和地方行政事业性收费目录清单。进一步清理规范经营服务性收费,适当降低“五险一金”有关缴费比例。实行上述降费政策,全年再减少涉企收费约2000亿元。二是赤字率保持在3%,适度扩大支出规模。赤字率保持不变,赤字规模随国内生产总值增长而相应增加。在支持实施减税降费政策的同时,中央和地方财政通过合理安排收入预算、全面盘活存量资金,确保财政支出强度不减且实际支出规模扩大。三是突出保障重点,提高支出的有效性和精准度。新增财力以及调整存量腾出的资金,优先用于支持推进供给侧结构性改革、适度扩大有效需求,加大对基本民生保障和扶贫、农业、教育、生态文明建设等重点领域的投入,使财力进一步向困难地区和基层倾斜,更好发挥财政资金使用效益,增强财政对基本公共服务的保障能力。 | Fiscal policy for 2017 will be more proactive and we will work to implement it more effectively. First, continuing to cut taxes and fees in favor of enterprises We will improve the policy on trials to replace business tax with VAT, and ensure that tax reductions achieve a greater impact. We will halve corporate income tax for more small and micro businesses by raising annual taxable corporate income threshold from 300,000 to 500,000 yuan. The portion of spending on research and development by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that is eligible for tax deductions will be raised from 50 to 75 percent. The reduction and exemption policy on six taxes, including the land use tax on logistics companies renting township land for commodity storage facilities, expired at the end of 2016, but we will continue to implement it this year, which will reduce taxes on enterprises by approximately 350 billion yuan. We will fully overhaul government-managed funds to ensure that they are managed according to standards, cancel funds such as the urban public facility surcharges, and authorize local governments to reduce or waive payments into certain funds. We will cancel or suspend 35 central government administrative charges on enterprises, cutting these charges by another more than 50 percent, and release the lists of central and local government administrative charges to the public. We will further overhaul and exercise standard-based management of business and service fees and charges, and make an appropriate cut in the ratio of enterprise contributions to the old-age insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes. All told, this will reduce fees and charges on enterprises by around 200 billion yuan this year. Second, keeping the deficit-to-GDP ratio at 3 percent while moderately expanding spending We will keep the deficit-to-GDP ratio the same as last year, and allow an increase in the deficit that corresponds to GDP growth. While working to reduce taxes and fees in support of tax credit policies, the central and local governments must use appropriate revenue budgeting and put all dormant budgetary funds to good use to ensure there is no contraction in spending intensity and there is an expansion in real spending. Third, ensuring fiscal funding for key areas and making government spending more effective and targeted In using financial resources newly acquired or freed up by adjusting dormant budgetary funds, we will give preference to promoting supply-side structural reform and ensuring effective demand moderately expands. We will increase investment in key areas of work including meeting our people's basic needs, poverty alleviation, agriculture, education, and promoting ecological progress, and will further slant financial allocations to favor regions facing difficulties as well as counties and townships. We will see that government funds are used more efficiently, and strengthen fiscal capacity to guarantee basic public services. |
在实施积极财政政策过程中,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,推动解决结构性供需失衡。继续支持做好钢铁、煤炭行业化解过剩产能过程中职工分流安置工作,按照各地安置职工进度及时拨付专项奖补资金,落实并完善相关支持政策。对职工安置困难较大和财政收支压力大的地区,加大专项奖补资金和就业专项资金倾斜力度。防范化解煤电产能过剩风险。支持深化农业供给侧结构性改革。着力推动提高金融服务实体经济效率,引导更多信贷资金进入实体经济。发挥好工业转型升级专项资金作用,支持智能制造、工业强基、绿色制造和制造业创新中心建设,加快实施《中国制造2025》。支持实施“十三五”国家战略性新兴产业发展规划,促进节能环保、新一代信息技术、高端装备制造等战略性新兴产业发展壮大。加大重大装备首台套推广应用支持力度,将新材料纳入首批次应用保险保费补偿范围。继续安排中小企业发展专项资金,深入开展小微企业创业创新基地城市示范,加快国家中小企业发展基金、国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金投资运行,继续落实固定资产加速折旧、众创空间等税收优惠政策,积极支持大众创业万众创新。深入推进城市地下综合管廊、海绵城市建设试点,改善城镇基础设施。设立服务贸易创新发展引导基金,培育外贸竞争新优势。支持实施“一带一路”建设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展三大战略,促进区域协调发展。 | In implementing proactive fiscal policy, we will endeavor to promote supply-side structural reform and give impetus to the resolution of structural imbalances in supply and demand. In our continued support for the resettlement of workers laid off from the iron, steel, and coal industries as overcapacity is cut, we will make awards and subsidies available based on the level of progress being made in resettling workers in different regions and implement and improve related policies. Regions that face bigger difficulties in resettling workers and meeting spending needs will be given greater priority in relation to resettlement awards and subsidies and relevant employment funds. We will work to prevent and defuse risks resulting from overcapacity in the coal and electricity industries. We will provide financial support for continued agricultural supply-side structural reform. We will strive to see that the financial sector serves the real economy more efficiently, and more credit flows into the real economy. We will fully leverage the role of funds for promoting industrial transformation and upgrading to support smart manufacturing, green manufacturing, initiatives to build robust foundations for industry development, and the development of manufacturing innovation hubs, and to speed up implementation of the Made in China 2025 strategy. We will make the funds available for implementation of the development plan for China's strategic emerging industries in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), giving impetus to the growth of strategic emerging industries including energy conservation and environmental protection, next-generation information technology, and high-end equipment manufacturing. We will increase financial support for efforts to popularize application for first sets of key equipment, and will bring new materials under the coverage of insurance subsidies for initial applications of certain products. We will continue to earmark funds for the development of SMEs and finance the initiative to designate demonstration cities to act as business startup and innovation hubs for small and micro businesses. We will speed up the investment and operations of the National Fund for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries. We will continue to implement a host of tax credit policies such as those concerning the accelerated depreciation of fixed assets and maker spaces, so as to support business startups and innovations by the general public. We will step up work to pilot the construction of underground urban utility tunnels and the development of sponge cities to improve urban infrastructure. We will set up the Innovative Development Guide Fund for Trade in Services in a bid to cultivate new competitive edges in foreign trade. We will support the implementation of the three key initiatives: the Belt and Road Initiative, the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the development of the Yangtze River economic belt in order to promote coordinated development between regions. |
2017年主要支出政策: | The main policies regarding expenditures in 2017 are as follows: |
教育方面。从春季学期开始统一城乡义务教育学生“两免一补”政策,实现“两免一补”和生均公用经费基准定额资金随学生流动可携带。继续开展薄弱学校改造等工作,着力解决农村义务教育发展中存在的突出问题。继续实施学前教育行动计划。支持提升现代职业教育基础能力,促进产教融合、校企合作。提高博士研究生国家助学金补助标准。落实好中央高校预算拨款制度,统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设。进一步聚焦贫困地区和贫困人口,加快推进教育脱贫攻坚。 | -- Education From the spring semester, we will introduce a unified policy whereby Chinese students receiving compulsory education are exempted from paying tuition and fees and paying for textbooks and a subsidy will be provided for the living expenses of students from families with financial difficulties. We will also ensure that the funds for these exemptions and subsidies as well as for the public funding benchmark per student are transferred if students change schools. We will continue to provide funding for improving conditions at badly built or poorly operated schools and other initiatives and for addressing the prominent problems in developing rural compulsory education. We will continue to implement the action plan for preschool education. We will provide financial support for infrastructure improvement for modern vocational education, integration between vocational education and industry, and cooperation between colleges and businesses. We will increase government grants for PhD candidates. We will ensure proper implementation of the budgetary appropriation system for central government institutions of higher learning so that efforts are coordinated to develop world-class universities and disciplines. We will provide further funding for moves to combat poverty through developing education with the focus on poor areas and populations. |
科技方面。重点支持基础研究、前沿技术研究、社会公益研究、重大共性关键技术研究开发。加强对公益性科研机构(基地)的稳定支持,支持科研院所改革发展,推动科技资源开放共享。推进在重大创新领域组建一批国家实验室。支持实施科技重大专项。推动“科技创新2030-重大项目”启动实施。 | -- Science and technology We will give more financial support to basic research, research on cutting-edge technologies, research for the public benefit, and research and development for major generic key technologies. We will strengthen work to ensure stable financial support for public benefit research institutes (centers) and make funds available to facilitate the reform and development of research institutions and promote the open sharing of scientific and technological resources. We will finance efforts to further advance the establishment of a number of national laboratories in important fields of innovation and implement major science and technology projects. We will provide support to the launch of the Programs for Technological Innovation 2030. |
社会保障和就业方面。适当提高退休人员基本养老金标准,建立基本养老金合理调整机制。稳步推动基本养老保险制度改革,提高制度覆盖面。在推进各项相关改革工作的基础上,研究制定基本养老保险基金中央调剂制度方案。制定划转部分国有资本充实社保基金实施方案。强化基本养老保险基金收支管理,切实防范基金支付风险。加大统筹社会救助资源力度,科学合理确定城乡最低生活保障标准。完善特困人员救助供养政策。加强困境儿童保障和农村留守儿童关爱保护工作。加强对残疾人事业发展的支持。适时研究调整优抚对象等人员抚恤和生活补助标准。规范开展长期护理保险制度试点。实施更加积极的就业政策,健全就业创业政策措施,着力促进重点群体就业,研究建立终身职业技能培训制度。 | -- Social security and employment We will increase basic pension payments for retirees as appropriate and establish a mechanism for making reasonable adjustments to basic pensions. We will take steady steps to reform the basic old-age insurance system and expand its coverage. On the basis of progress in all related reform work, we will establish a central regulation system for basic old-age insurance funds. We will also formulate a plan for the transfer of a portion of state capital into social security funds. We will strengthen management over basic pension fund revenue and expenditures, and take effective measures to guard against payment risks. We will step up the coordination of resources for social assistance and carefully determine the most appropriate subsistence allowances for Chinese citizens. We will improve our policies for providing assistance to people living in extreme poverty. We will strengthen work to secure the welfare of children living in difficult circumstances and ensure care and protection for children remaining in rural areas while their parents work away. We will strengthen financial support for programs that benefit people with disabilities. We will adjust subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups at an appropriate time. Well-regulated trials will be carried out to establish long-term care insurance schemes. We will implement more proactive employment policies, improving our policies and measures for promoting employment and startups and doing more to help key groups find employment. We will conduct research on developing a system for life-long vocational skills training. |
医疗卫生方面。健全基本医保稳定可持续筹资和报销比例调整机制,坚持适度保障原则,更加注重保大病。将城乡居民基本医疗保险财政补助和个人缴费标准均提高30元,分别达到每人每年450元和180元。加强基本医保基金预算管理,全面推行按病种付费为主、多种付费方式结合的医保支付方式改革,控制医疗费用不合理增长。全面推开公立医院综合改革,完善基层医疗卫生机构运行机制。将基本公共卫生服务项目年人均财政补助标准由45元提高到50元。依法支持中医药事业发展。适应实施全面两孩政策,支持加强生育医疗保健服务。 | -- Health care We will improve the mechanisms to ensure stable and sustainable funding for basic medical insurance and to adjust reimbursement rates for medical expenses, uphold the principle that benefit levels must be appropriate, and give particular weight to protection against major diseases. We will increase both annual government subsidies and personal contributions for basic health insurance for rural and non-working urban residents by 30 yuan, bringing the total up to 180 and 450 yuan a year per person, respectively. We will bring basic medical insurance funds under budgetary management and roll out reforms nationwide to the way medical payouts are made, using predominantly payouts according to the type of illness plus multiple other methods, and work to curb any unreasonable growth in medical costs. We will help carry out comprehensive reforms in public hospitals nationwide and improve the operating systems of community-level medical and healthcare institutions. We will raise the basic annual per capita government subsidies for public health services from 45 to 50 yuan.We will support the law-based development of traditional Chinese medicine. Having adopted the policy of allowing all couples to have two children, we will strengthen our maternity medical and healthcare services. |
扶贫方面。中央财政安排补助地方专项扶贫资金861亿元,比上年增加200亿元,增长30.3%,用于支持落实精准扶贫、精准脱贫基本方略。统筹安排农业、教育、社保、医疗等领域用于扶贫的资金,进一步加大支持打赢脱贫攻坚战的投入力度,切实发挥政府投入在扶贫开发中的主体和主导作用。加快改善贫困地区基础设施和基本公共服务,加大产业、教育、健康扶贫支持力度。全面推进贫困县涉农资金整合试点。开展扶贫资金专项检查。 | -- Poverty alleviation The central government will allocate 86.1 billion yuan to subsidize local poverty reduction, an increase of 20 billion yuan, or 30.3 percent over last year. The funds will be used to support implementation of the fundamental strategy of targeted poverty reduction. We will coordinate the use of funds allocated to fields including agriculture, education, social security, and health care that are earmarked for poverty alleviation; further boost investment in the fight against poverty; and ensure that government investment plays a principal and guiding role in poverty reduction through development. We will speed up work to improve the infrastructure and basic public services in poor areas and step up support for reducing poverty by developing local industries, promoting education, and improving health standards. The integration of different rural development funds will be piloted in poor counties throughout the country. We will carry out inspections on the use of funds for poverty reduction. |
农业林业水利方面。落实《建立以绿色生态为导向的农业补贴制度改革方案》,完善农业补贴制度,提高补贴政策指向性和精准性,发展壮大农业新产业新业态。积极稳妥改革粮食等重要农产品价格形成机制和收储制度,坚持并完善稻谷、小麦最低收购价政策,合理调整最低收购价水平,形成合理比价关系;抓好玉米收储制度改革,健全生产者补贴制度;做好政策性粮食和储备棉库存消化工作。调整完善棉花目标价格政策,改进补贴方式。调整大豆目标价格政策。完善粮食主产区利益补偿机制,盘活粮食风险基金。落实“藏粮于地、藏粮于技”战略,发展高效节水灌溉,大规模推进高标准农田建设和土地整治。继续支持开展重金属污染耕地修复及种植结构调整试点,扩大华北地下水超采区综合治理范围。加大对灾后水利薄弱环节建设支持力度。推进粮经饲种植结构调整,发展适度规模经营。加快推进省以下农业信贷担保体系建设和运营。支持森林管护和培育,着力推进国土绿化,着力提高森林质量。完善森林生态效益补偿标准动态调整机制。支持湿地保护修复,促进湿地恢复性增长。深化农村综合改革,推进农垦、国有农场、国有林场林区、供销社改革,发展壮大村集体经济组织。 | -- Agriculture, forestry, and water conservation We will implement the reform plan for building an agricultural subsidy system geared toward ecological conservation, improve our system for subsidizing agriculture, ensure subsidy policies are more precise and better targeted, and boost the development of new industries and new forms of business in agriculture. We will take constructive, steady steps to reform the pricing mechanism and the purchase and storage systems for grain and other important agricultural products; and we will continue and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat, making reasonable adjustments to these prices, to enable reasonable parity between prices. We will make sure the reform of the corn purchase and storage system is carried out effectively, and will improve the system for subsidizing corn production. We will work to reduce excess stockpiles of policy-supported grain and cotton. We will adjust and improve the guaranteed base price policy for cotton and improve the way in which the subsidy for cotton production is granted. We will also adjust the guaranteed base price policy for soybeans. We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing major grain-producing areas and work to better utilize risk funds for grain. We will increase food crop production based on farmland management and the application of technology, develop high-efficiency water-saving irrigation, and significantly scale up the development of high-grade farmland and land improvement. We will continue support for trials to restore cultivated land contaminated by heavy metals and adjust the production mix of agricultural products, and will expand the coverage of work to deal comprehensively with the over-abstraction of groundwater in north China. We will step up support for post-disaster water conservancy construction in areas in need of attention. We will move forward with adjusting the production mix of food, cash, and fodder crops, and facilitate the development of appropriately scaled-up agricultural operations. We will move faster to make progress in the development and operation of an agricultural credit guaranty system at and below the provincial level. We will support forest protection, management, and cultivation, and step up support for afforestation and forest improvement efforts.We will improve the dynamic mechanism for adjusting compensation for forest management and conservation efforts that produce a positive ecological impact. We will support wetland protection and restoration efforts to encourage the resumption of wetland growth. We will deepen comprehensive reform in rural areas, move ahead with reforms in state farms, farms on reclaimed land, state forestry farms, forestry areas, and rural supply and marketing cooperatives, and develop and strengthen collective village enterprises. |
生态环保方面。支持打好大气、水、土壤污染防治三大战役,对重点区域解决燃煤污染等大气污染防治工作实施财政奖补,支持重点流域水污染防治,开展土壤污染详查,强化水、土壤污染防治。加大重点生态功能区转移支付力度。适时启动第二批山水林田湖生态保护和修复工程试点。深入落实新一轮草原生态保护补助奖励政策,支持新一轮退耕还林还草并扩大规模,实施天然林保护全覆盖政策。推进矿产资源权益金制度改革和流域上下游横向生态保护补偿机制建设。推动扩大排污权有偿使用和交易试点范围。支持国家公园体制试点。继续安排新能源汽车补贴,提高技术门槛,完善补贴机制。深入实施节能减排财政政策综合示范。支持煤层气、页岩气、农村水电等清洁能源资源开发利用和成品油质量升级。调整可再生能源发电补贴机制。促进循环经济发展和清洁生产。进一步支持农村环境突出问题综合治理。 | -- Ecological conservation and environmental protection We will ensure the support is there for fighting the battle against air, water, and soil pollution. We will provide government awards or subsidies to key regions for efforts to prevent and control air pollution caused by the use of coal or other factors. We will support the prevention and control of water pollution in key water basins and conduct surveys on soil pollution in order to strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution. We will increase transfer payments for key ecological zones. We will act when appropriate to launch the second set of trial projects under the initiative to protect and restore mountain, water, forest and farmland ecosystems. We will fully implement a new round of subsidy and reward policies for grassland ecological conservation, support the new round of initiatives to turn marginal farmland into forest or grassland, expand the coverage of these initiatives, and realize coverage of protective policies for all natural forests. We will move forward with royalty reform for mineral resources and the establishment of a mechanism of intra-river basin compensation for ecological conservation. We will drive the expansion of pilot projects for developing a cap-and-trade system for emissions. We will support trials for the national park system. We will continue to provide new-energy vehicle subsidies while raising the technological threshold for them and improving the way they are provided. We will ensure thorough implementation of the initiative to demonstrate the integration of fiscal policies for energy conservation and emission reductions. We will support the exploitation and utilization of clean energy resources such as coal seam gas, shale gas, and hydropower in rural areas, as well as the move to improve the quality of refined oil products. We will adjust the mechanism for subsidizing the use of renewable energy for electricity generation. We will also promote the development of a circular economy and clean production. We will give further support for comprehensive measures to address prominent environmental problems in rural areas. |
住房保障方面。大力支持棚户区改造,继续推进公租房等保障房及配套设施建设,完善棚改安置和公租房分配方式,推动房地产库存量大的城市提高货币化安置比例。继续推进农村危房改造工作,中央财政补助资金集中用于低保户、农村分散供养特困人员、贫困残疾人家庭和建档立卡贫困户的危房改造,同时适当提高补助标准。 | -- Government housing support We will provide strong support for the rebuilding of housing in rundown urban areas, and continue to promote the development of public rental housing and other government-subsidized housing as well as supporting infrastructure development. We will improve the way people displaced by rebuilding initiatives are helped to relocate and the way public rental housing is allocated, and push to see cities with large housing inventory increase the proportion of people receiving monetary housing compensation rather than housing. We will continue to make progress in renovating dilapidated rural housing, and central government subsidy funds will be used primarily for rebuilding unsafe housing for people eligible for subsistence allowances, for individuals who live at home in rural areas in extreme poverty and receive basic assistance, for the families of people with disabilities affected by poverty, and for households registered as living under the poverty line. Subsidies will also be appropriately increased. |
文化体育方面。支持地方落实国家基本公共文化服务指导标准。加强文化遗产保护利用,支持实施中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程。促进文艺作品创作生产,推动中华文化走出去。加大公益性文化事业和经营性文化产业资金、资源和政策的统筹力度,努力形成系统综合的财政文化政策体系。改善城乡公共体育设施条件,丰富体育服务供给方式。 | -- Culture and sports We will support local governments in their implementation of the national standards to guide the provision of basic public cultural services. We will strengthen support for the protection and proper use of cultural relics, and support the implementation of the initiative to develop and pass on China's fine cultural traditions. We will support efforts topromote the creation and production of works of literature and art and share Chinese culture with the outside world. We will increase the level of coordination between investments, resources, and policies for nonprofit cultural institutions and for-profit cultural enterprises, working to form a systematic and comprehensive fiscal policy system for the cultural sector. We will also improve the public sports facilities throughout the country and diversify the supply of services in the sports sector. |
国防方面。支持深化国防和军队改革,建设同我国国际地位相称、同国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队。落实军民融合发展资金保障,推动军民融合深度发展。 | -- National defense We will support efforts to deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, with the aim of building a solid national defense and strong armed forces that are commensurate with China's international standing and are suited to our national security and development interests. We will ensure that adequate funds are available to promote further military-civilian development. |
支持困难地区财政运转和基本民生兜底方面。继续增加阶段性财力补助规模,并统筹县级基本财力保障机制奖补资金等转移支付,加大对资源能源型和财政困难地区支持力度,兜住保障基本民生的底线。继续加大对革命老区、民族地区、边境地区转移支付力度。 | -- Fiscal operations and safeguards for basic living standards in regions with acute financial difficulties We will continue to increase short-term financial subsidies, and coordinate transfer payments to local governments including those for awards and subsidies for implementing the mechanism to ensure the basic financial capacity of county-level governments. We will intensify support to regions that are highly dependent on resources or energy and regions facing fiscal difficulties, and will bolster the safeguards that ensure basic needs are met. We will continue to increase transfer payments to old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas, and border areas. |
中央基建投资方面。中央基建投资安排5076亿元,进一步优化支出结构,减少对小、散项目投资补助,集中用于易地扶贫搬迁、重大水利工程及灾后水利重建、城市排水排涝设施建设、新一轮农网改造升级、中西部铁路建设、棚户区改造等方面。 | -- Central investment in infrastructure The central government will earmark 507.6 billion yuan for investment in infrastructure. The expenditure structure will be further improved, with a reduction in subsidizing small and miscellaneous projects, and a focus on poverty alleviation achieved by helping people living in inhospitable areas to relocate, major water conservancy projects and post-disaster water conservancy reconstruction, the improvement of city drainage facilities, a new round of work to upgrade rural power grids, railway construction in the central and western regions, and the rebuilding of rundown urban areas. |
压减一般性支出方面。中央部门带头过紧日子,大力调整和压减中央本级一般性支出,主要包括:一是继续按照只减不增的原则,严格控制“三公”经费预算。压减会议费、培训费、宣传费、咨询费、软课题经费和涉企补助等支出。二是按不低于5%的幅度压减非刚性、非重点项目支出。三是对政策目标已经实现的项目,不再安排预算;对实施环境发生变化的项目,重新核定预算。同时,要求并指导地方财政做好压减一般性支出等工作,坚决反对铺张浪费和大手大脚花钱。 | -- Cuts in general expenditures Central departments will take the lead in tightening their belts, with major adjustments and reductions being made to the central government's regular expenditures. This will include the following. First, we will continue to strictly limit the budget for spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality in line with the principle that there should only be cuts, and no increases, to such spending. We will reduce expenditures related to meetings, training, publicity, consultation, "soft" research projects, and enterprise-related subsidies. Second, expenditures for projects where there is some flexibility and for non-key projects will be cut by a margin not lower than 5 percent. Third, budgetary appropriations will no longer be provided for projects whose policy goals have already been achieved, and new budgets are required for projects for which the environment for implementation has changed. At the same time, we will require and guide local governments to ensure their related work, including reducing their general expenditures, is carried out to good effect, and take a firm stand against extravagance, waste, and unrestrained spending. |
(三)2017年收入预计和支出安排。 | 3. Revenue and expenditures for 2017 |
1.一般公共预算。 | 1) General public budgets |
中央一般公共预算收入78612亿元,比2016年执行数同口径增长3.8%。加上从中央预算稳定调节基金调入1350亿元,从中央政府性基金预算、中央国有资本经营预算调入283亿元,收入总量为80245亿元。中央一般公共预算支出95745亿元,增长6.1%。收支总量相抵,中央财政赤字15500亿元,比2016年增加1500亿元。中央财政国债余额限额141408.35亿元。中央预算稳定调节基金余额1328.06亿元。 | Revenue in the central government's general public budget is expected to reach 7.8612 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.8 percent over the actual figure for 2016. Adding in the 135 billion yuan from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and the 28.3 billion yuan from the budgets of central government-managed funds and central government state capital operations, revenue for 2017 should total 8.0245 trillion yuan. Expenditures through the central government's general public budget are projected to reach 9.5745 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.1 percent. Total expenditures are projected to exceed total revenue, leaving a deficit of 1.55 trillion yuan, an increase of 150 billion yuan over last year. The ceiling for the outstanding balance of central government bonds is 14.140835 trillion yuan. The Central Budget Stabilization Fund is projected to carry a balance of 132.806 billion yuan. |
中央一般公共预算支出,包括中央本级支出、对地方税收返还、对地方转移支付和中央预备费。 | Expenditures in the central government's general public budget are divided into central government expenditures, tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments, and payments to central government reserve funds. |
(1)中央本级支出29595亿元,增长6.5%,比2016年预算增幅(7%)降低0.5个百分点。 | (1) Central government expenditures are projected to reach 2.9595 trillion yuan, up 6.5 percent over last year, a drop of 0.5 percentage points over the 7 percent growth rate project for 2016. |
(2)对地方税收返还9138亿元。其中,增值税返还7036.43亿元,消费税返还1010.92亿元,所得税基数返还910.19亿元,成品油税费改革税收返还1531.1亿元,同时地方按规定上解的收入冲抵部分税收返还。 | (2) Tax rebates are projected to be 913.8 billion yuan. This includes 703.643 billion yuan in VAT rebates, 101.092 billion yuan in excise tax rebates, 91.019 billion yuan in income tax rebates for making up the difference when local government income tax revenue falls short of the figure for 2001, 153.11 billion yuan in tax rebates resulting from the reform of taxes and fees related to refined oil products, and tax rebates on the counterbalance of the revenue turned over by local governments. |
(3)对地方转移支付56512亿元,增长7%,比2016年预算增幅(5.6%)提高1.4个百分点,主要是增加均衡性转移支付和困难地区财力补助,以及支持地方加大补短板投入。其中,一般性转移支付35030.49亿元,增长9.5%;专项转移支付21481.51亿元,增长3.1%。一般性转移支付中,均衡性转移支付22308.83亿元,增长8%;老少边穷地区转移支付1832.9亿元,增长19%。继续保障农业、教育、社保、医疗、就业、生态环保、住房保障等重点领域的专项转移支付;进一步清理规范专项转移支付,对部分项目进行归并重组,适当压减部分项目数额。 | (3) Transfer payments are projected to amount to 5.6512 trillion yuan, up 7 percent over last year, an increase of 1.4 percentage points over the 5.6 percent projected growth rate for 2016. This is mainly due to increases in transfer payments for equalizing access to basic public services, financial subsidies to poor regions, and investments in helping local governments further strengthen areas of weakness. Of this amount, general transfer payments are projected to come to 3.503049 trillion yuan, up 9.5 percent; and special transfer payments are projected to reach 2.148151 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.1 percent. General transfer payments include 2.230883 trillion yuan in transfer payments for equalizing access to basic public services, up 8 percent, and 183.29 billion yuan in transfer payments to old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas, up 19 percent. We will continue to ensure the coverage of special transfer payments in agriculture, education, social security, medical care, employment, ecological conservation, housing support, and other key areas. We will further overhaul special transfer payments by merging and reorganizing a number of items and appropriately reducing the payment amounts for certain items. |
(4)中央预备费500亿元,与2016年预算持平。预备费执行中视情况分别计入中央本级支出和对地方转移支付。 | (4) A total of 50 billion yuan is projected for the reserve funds, which is consistent with the budgeted figure for 2016. During the course of implementation, the reserve funds will be counted as central government expenditures or transfer payments to local governments according to conditions. |
地方一般公共预算本级收入90018亿元,增长6%。加上中央对地方税收返还和转移支付收入65650亿元、地方财政调入资金800亿元,地方一般公共预算收入总量为156468亿元。地方一般公共预算支出164768亿元,比上年执行数(扣除使用结转结余及调入资金)增长6.2%。地方财政赤字8300亿元,比2016年增加500亿元,通过发行地方政府一般债券弥补。地方政府一般债务余额限额115489.22亿元。 | Revenue in local governments' general public budgets is projected to reach 9.0018 trillion yuan, up 6 percent from last year. Adding in the 6.565 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government and the 80 billion yuan transferred from other local sources, this revenue is expected to total 15.6468 trillion yuan. Expenditures in local governments' general public budgets are projected to be 16.4768 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.2 percent over the actual figure for 2016 after allowing for utilized carryover and surplus funds from last year and funds transferred from other sources. This leaves a deficit of 830 billion yuan, an increase of 50 billion yuan. Local governments will make up for this deficit through the issuance of general bonds. The ceiling for the outstanding balance of local government general bonds will be 11.548922 trillion yuan. |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国一般公共预算收入168630亿元,增长5%。加上调入资金2433亿元,收入总量为171063亿元。全国一般公共预算支出194863亿元,比上年执行数(扣除地方使用结转结余及调入资金)增长6.5%。赤字23800亿元,比2016年增加2000亿元。 | Revenue in the general public budgets of both the central and local governments is projected to amount to 16.863 trillion yuan, up 5 percent. Adding in the 243.3 billion yuan transferred from other sources, this revenue is expected to total 17.1063 trillion yuan. Government expenditures in China are budgeted at 19.4863 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.5 percent over the actual figure for 2016 after allowing for local governments' utilized carryover and surplus funds from last year and funds transferred from other sources. This leaves a deficit of 2.38 trillion yuan, an increase of 200 billion yuan over 2016. |
上述2017年收支数已含政府性基金预算部分项目转列一般公共预算的收支数。即:从2017年1月1日起,为加强财政资金统筹使用,将新增建设用地土地有偿使用费、南水北调工程基金、烟草企业上缴专项收入等3个项目收支由政府性基金预算转列一般公共预算,在减少政府性基金预算收支的同时,相应调增一般公共预算2017年收支数和2016年收支基数。 | The above figures for budgeted revenue and expenditures for 2017 also take into account revenue into and expenditures through government-managed fund budgets that have been transferred into general public budgets: as of January 1, 2017, in order to increase coordination in the use of government funds, the revenue into and expenditures through three government-managed funds-fees for the compensated use of additional land designated for construction projects, South-to-North Water Diversion Project funds, and special use revenue turned over by tobacco companies-have been transferred into general public budgets. While we have reduced budgetary revenue and expenditures for government-managed funds, we have made corresponding increases to the projected revenue and expenditure figures for the 2017 general public budgets as well as to the revenue and expenditure baseline figures for 2016. |
2.政府性基金预算。 | 2) Budgets for government-managed funds |
中央政府性基金收入3706.49亿元,增长3.2%。加上上年结转收入298.5亿元,中央政府性基金收入总量为4004.99亿元。中央政府性基金支出4004.99亿元,增长19.2%,主要是使用上年结转资金增加较多。其中,中央本级支出2881.14亿元,增长14.5%;对地方转移支付1123.85亿元,增长33%。 | Revenue into central government-managed funds is projected to reach 370.649 billion yuan, up 3.2 percent. Adding in the 29.85 billion yuan carried forward from last year, revenue into central government-managed funds will total 400.499 billion yuan. Expenditures from central government-managed funds are expected to be 400.499 billion yuan, up 19.2 percent, which is mainly due to the increased use of funds carried forward from last year. This figure consists of 288.114 billion yuan in central government expenditures, up 14.5 percent, and 112.385 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments, up 33 percent. |
2017年中央一般公共预算平衡关系 新华社发 | Figure 2 Projected Revenue and Expenditures in the Central Government's General Public Budget for 2017 |
地方政府性基金本级收入43468.17亿元,增长3.6%。其中,国有土地使用权出让收入38568.62亿元,增长4.3%。加上中央政府性基金对地方转移支付收入1123.85亿元、地方政府专项债务收入8000亿元,地方政府性基金相关收入为52592.02亿元。地方政府性基金相关支出52592.02亿元。其中,国有土地使用权出让收入相关支出46468.72亿元,增长23.4%。地方政府专项债务余额限额72685.08亿元。 | Revenue into local government-managed funds is projected to be 4.346817 trillion yuan, up 3.6 percent. This figure includes 3.856862 trillion yuan in proceeds from selling state-owned land-use rights, up 4.3 percent. Adding in the 112.385 billion yuan in transfer payments from central government-managed funds and the 800 billion yuan of revenue generated from special local government debt, revenue into local government-managed funds is projected to total 5.259202 trillion yuan. Expenditures through local government-managed funds are expected to total 5.259202 trillion yuan. This includes 4.646872 trillion yuan funded using proceeds from selling state-owned land-use rights, up 23.4 percent. The balance of outstanding special debt of local governments is projected to be no more than 7.268508 trillion yuan. |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国政府性基金收入47174.66亿元,增长3.6%。加上上年结转收入298.5亿元和地方政府专项债务收入8000亿元,全国政府性基金相关收入总量为55473.16亿元。全国政府性基金相关支出55473.16亿元,增长21.3%。 | Revenue into the government-managed funds in both central and local government budgets is projected to be 4.717466 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.6 percent. Adding in the 29.85 billion yuan carried forward from last year and the 800 billion yuan of revenue generated from special local government debt, this revenue is projected to be 5.547316 trillion yuan. Expenditures through these funds are projected to reach 5.547316 trillion yuan, up 21.3 percent. |
需要说明的是,2017年新增建设用地土地有偿使用费等3个项目收支由政府性基金预算转列一般公共预算,比较时对2016年基数作了调减,上述增幅仍为可比口径。 | It should be noted that in 2017 the revenue and expenditures for three items, including fees for the compensated use of additional land designated for construction projects, will be transferred from government-managed fund budgets into general public budgets. We have accordingly deducted the figures for 2016 so that the level of growth for these items is calculated on a comparable basis. |
3.国有资本经营预算。 | 3) Budgets for state capital operations |
2017年进一步健全国有资本经营预算制度,优化支出结构。中央企业国有资本收益收取比例暂保持不变,将中央国有资本经营预算调入一般公共预算统筹使用的比例由19%提高至22%。中央国有资本经营预算支出主要用于推进供给侧结构性改革、解决国有企业历史遗留问题、加快深化国企改革等方面。 | In 2017, we will strive to further refine the budgeting system for state capital operations and improve the structure of expenditures. The proportion of profits from the operations of central government enterprises that should be turned over to the central government will be kept unchanged for now, and the proportion of funds allocated from the budgets of the state capital operations of the central government to its general public budget will be raised from 19 to 22 percent. Budgetary expenditures through central government state capital operations will be primarily used to promote supply-side structural reform, address the longstanding problems of SOEs, and deepen SOE reform. |
中央国有资本经营预算收入1290亿元,下降9.8%,主要是石油石化、电力等行业企业经济效益下滑。加上上年结转收入128.03亿元,中央国有资本经营预算收入总量为1418.03亿元。中央国有资本经营预算支出1161.03亿元,下降20%,主要是使用上年结转资金减少较多。其中,中央本级支出1047.03亿元,增长11.7%;对地方转移支付114亿元,下降77.8%。向一般公共预算调出257亿元,增长4.5%。 | Budgetary revenue from the state capital operations of the central government is projected to be 129 billion yuan, down 9.8 percent. This decrease comes primarily from lower than expected enterprise profits in the petroleum, petrochemical, and electricity industries. Adding in the 12.803 billion yuan carried forward from last year, budgetary revenue from central government state capital operations is projected to total 141.803 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditures through these operations are expected to be 116.103 billion yuan, down 20 percent, which is mainly due to a reduction in the use of funds carried forward from last year. Of this, 104.703 billion yuan is to be spent at the central level, an increase of 11.7 percent, and 11.4 billion yuan is to be transferred to local governments, a decrease of 77.8 percent. A projected 25.7 billion yuan will be transferred into the general public budget, up 4.5 percent. |
地方国有资本经营预算本级收入1048.3亿元,下降10.5%。加上中央国有资本经营预算对地方转移支付收入114亿元,地方国有资本经营预算收入1162.3亿元。地方国有资本经营预算支出914.3亿元,下降25.9%。向一般公共预算调出248亿元。 | Budgetary revenue from the state capital operations of local governments is projected to be 104.83 billion yuan, down 10.5 percent from last year. Adding in the 11.4 billion yuan of transfer payments from the budgets of central government state capital operations, budgetary revenue into local government state capital operations is projected to total 116.23 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditures through local government state capital operations are estimated to be 91.43 billion yuan, down 25.9 percent. A projected 24.8 billion yuan is to be allocated to local government general public budgets. |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国国有资本经营预算收入2338.3亿元,下降10.1%。加上上年结转收入128.03亿元,全国国有资本经营预算收入总量为2466.33亿元。全国国有资本经营预算支出1961.33亿元,下降9.7%。向一般公共预算调出505亿元。 | Revenue in the state capital operation budgets of both the central and local governments is projected to be 233.83 billion yuan, down 10.1 percent. Adding in the 12.803 billion yuan carried over from last year, this revenue is projected to total 246.633 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditures through state capital operations of both the central and local governments are expected to be 196.133 billion yuan, down 9.7 percent. A projected 50.5 billion yuan will be transferred into general public budgets. |
4.社会保险基金预算。 | 4) Budgets for social security funds |
全国社会保险基金收入51786.72亿元,增长7.3%。其中,保险费收入36907.98亿元,财政补贴收入12595.97亿元。全国社会保险基金支出48450.5亿元,增长10.3%。本年收支结余3336.22亿元,年末滚存结余66630.89亿元。 | Revenue into China's social security funds is projected to be 5.178672 trillion yuan, up 7.3 percent. This includes 3.690798 trillion yuan in insurance premiums and 1.259597 trillion yuan in government subsidies. Expenditures through China's social security funds are expected to total 4.84505 trillion yuan, up 10.3 percent. With a projected surplus of 333.622 billion yuan this year, the year-end balance is expected be 6.663089 trillion yuan after the balance from 2016 has been rolled over. |
需要说明的是,地方预算由地方各级人民政府编制,报同级人民代表大会批准,目前尚在汇总中,本报告中地方收入预计数和支出安排数均为中央财政代编。 | It should be noted that as local budgets are formulated by local people's governments and submitted for approval to the people's congresses at their respective levels, the relevant data is still in the process of being compiled. As such, the above-mentioned projected figures for local revenue and expenditures have been compiled by the central finance authorities. |
以上预算具体安排详见《中华人民共和国2016年全国预算执行情况2017年全国预算(草案)》。 | For a more detailed account of the budgets arrangements related to the above items, please refer to the Report on the Execution of the 2016 Budgets of the People's Republic of China and Its 2017 Draft Budgets in Chinese. |
根据预算法规定,预算年度开始后,在全国人民代表大会批准本预算草案前,可安排下列支出:上年度结转支出;参照上年同期的预算支出数额安排必须支出的本年度部门基本支出、项目支出,以及对下级政府的转移性支出;法律规定必须履行支付义务的支出,以及用于自然灾害等突发事件处理的支出。根据上述规定,2017年1月中央一般公共预算支出9845亿元。其中,中央本级支出1657亿元,对地方税收返还和转移支付8188亿元。 | In accordance with the Budget Law, after the beginning of a new budget year and prior to the approval of these draft budgets by the NPC, arrangements may be made for the following expenditures: -- carryover expenditures from the previous financial year -- basic expenditures and program expenditures of government departments and transfer payments to lower-level governments that must be made in the current year, after referring to the amount of budgetary expenditures for the corresponding period over the previous year -- expenditures mandated by law -- expenditures for dealing with natural disasters and other emergencies In accordance with the above stipulations, in January 2017, expenditures in the central government's general public budget totaled 984.5 billion yuan, which consists of 165.7 billion yuan spent at the central level and 818.8 billion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments made to local governments. |