Archaeological Discoveries
in 2001
Archaeological Discoveries
in 2000
Top Ten Archaeological Finds
for 1999
Archaeological Discoveries
in 1999

Mountain City at Wunushan,
Liaoning Province

  An investigation and partial excavation of an area of about 500,000 square meters of the project of the boot-shaped mountain city have been made. Against a background of mountain cliffs, the city were guarded by stonewalls along the smooth and gentle curve of the mountain.
  The city has three gates, and was divided into two sections, the part on the mountain and the part at the bottom. On the mountain, there is a watchtower, water reservoir, and barrack-like groups of buildings, as well as remains from the late Neolithic, Spring and Autumn, Warring States, Western and Eastern Han, Wei ,Jin and Liao periods. About 1,000 pieces of various relics, including pottery wares, stone, porcelain, bronze and iron articles were unearthed. After the excavation, the dimension, layout and structure of the mountain city were verified, and the specialty of construction and execution method of the construction of the early mountain city of Koguryo were identified, which provides important evidence that the mountain city, or Qishenggu City might have been an early capital of Koguryo. This is a new find in the northeast area.

   The Neolithic cultural remains, particularly the discovery of a group of sites and relics of the early Koguryo period, have provided new materials for dating the Koguryo culture in the region to an earlier period, for the establishment of the chronology of the ancient culture of the Huanren region and the study of its cultural genealogy.