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A Gray Beijing, As Beautiful As Usual?

The color of the buildings in Beijing will be regulated according to sources from the Beijing Municipal Administration Bureau. Gray has been recommended as the main color for the new buildings.

Who In Charge?

According to the construction habit of many metropolitans, Beijing Municipal Administration Bureau will work out a series of regulations for the color of the new buildings.

Of course, architects will be authoritative in this matter. Officials concerned also have expressed that their advice should be heard.

Different Views

Our reporter interviewed an expert in the Beijing Academy of Architectural Design. He was not quite agree with the suggestions that gray should be the main color. Winter in Beijing is rather long. During the three or four months, everywhere is cold and gray and bleak. If the buildings are as gray as the winter sky, the city will become a blur. In such case, what beauty will you see? And what elegance will the city have? However, he stressed that this was only the opinion of himself and of an ordinary dweller in Beijing.

We all know that winter in the temperate and frigid zones is quite long. During the several months in winter, people's mood is sure to be grayed by the bleak atmosphere. The gray color of buildings just ignores this kind of need of the people. Avoiding the colorful painting is to give up the research in the influences of building color on people's feeling.

What Color Be Suggested?

If Beijing was the most beautiful human body, the buildings within the second circle were its most important texture. With the green trees and scarlet walls it bears on atmosphere of grandness. Yet it is necessary to regulate the color of the buildings in the third and fourth circles to make light color as their main color for fear that the whole city would become a palette.

On the other hand, the long winter should also be taken into consideration. Color should become a soundless language that can adjust people's mood in a gray winter. Several experts also stressed that the harmony between building colors and the surroundings are very important and the color should be helpful in adjusting people's feeling.

(21DNN 11/09/2000)