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HK Labor Department Helps More People Get Jobs

The Labor Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has placed a record number of 5,718 job-seekers in March this year, said Pamela Tan Kam Mi-wah, commissioner for labor, in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

"This is solid proof of our achievement in employment services. Our colleagues are much encouraged by the fact that we have successfully placed more job seekers," Tan said.

The department has set up an Employment Information Promotion Program (EIPP) run by professional teams which maintain closely contact with employers and employer associations to strengthen its work on canvassing vacancies and promoting its employment service, Tan said.

The Job Vacancy Processing Center (JVPC) provides a simple computerized service for employers seeking staff. The center processes vacancy orders centrally and operates a recruitment hotline. Vacancies will be displayed at district job centers within 24 hours after notification from employers and posted on the department's employment website the following day.

"These two services greatly enhanced our efficiency in vacancy processing. Last year, the EIPP office reached out to 41,000 people to promote our employment services while the JVPC processed about 170,000 vacancies," Tan said.

(Xinhua 05/01/2001)

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