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World Heritage Committee to Meet in China

The 28th session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee (WHC) will be held in Suzhou City, east China's Jiangsu Province, from June 28 to July 7, the conference chairman said in Beijing Tuesday.

Zhang Xinsheng, vice minister of education, chief of the UNESCO China Committee and chairman of the upcoming WHC meeting, made the announcement at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office Tuesday morning. Joined by the chiefs of the Ministry of Construction and State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and the mayor of Suzhou, Zhang discussed China's protection of its cultural and natural heritage, and preparations for the upcoming WHC meeting.

"Since China joined the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1985, 29 sites have been put on the world heritage list. This is the third largest number in the world. China possesses 21 cultural heritage sites, 4 natural heritage sites and 4 that combine both cultural and natural heritage. These well-known attractions, like the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Mt. Tai, Mt. Huangshan, Jiuzaigou, and Suzhou Garden are already on the world heritage list. China has submitted the names of more than 100 sites to the committee for approval," Zhang said.

The Chinese government has also enacted laws and regulations to strengthen world heritage protection.

World heritage protection is one of UNESCO's most important and far-reaching programs. It is a noble cause in which the entire world plays a part. Since UNESCO passed the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972, the protection of world heritage has developed into a highly successful worldwide campaign. At present, some 177 parties have signed the World Heritage Convention, more than any other international governmental convention.

The 28th Session of the World Heritage Committee is expected to be the largest ever, both in terms of individuals attending and participating nations. The World Heritage Committee's member states, its contracting parties, representatives from other international organizations and observers will attend the session. Foreign guests are estimated to number 450 to 500, including ministers and ambassadors of several countries. UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura has also expressed a strong desire to attend the session.

Zhang Xinsheng revealed the four main items on the session agenda: Consideration of 50 new applicants for inclusion on the World Heritage list; discussion of a global strategy for world heritage protection; evaluation of various countries' efforts to protect and manage world heritage sites; and exploration of international assistance and cooperation.

Zhang stated that preparations for the convention are under way. In Paris, the World Heritage Committee and its three expert consulting organizations -- the International Council on Monuments and Sites, World Conservation Union and International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property -- are working together with the World Heritage Center, the secretariat of the World Heritage Committee. Meanwhile, preparations for the day-to-day affairs of the session are being carried out in Beijing and Suzhou. Progress has been smooth and in accordance with international practice.

Zhang noted that the central authorities are paying close attention to the conference and have directed that it be an unprecedented success. To this end, various districts and local governments connected with China's heritage sites are making plans to greet the conference.

China has established an excellent organizing team of department and provincial leaders, headed by State Council Councilor Chen Zhili. In January 2004, Chen and the leading team members held an on-site working conference and checked progress on various organizational tasks. Although they were satisfied with the work completed so far, they set even higher standards and more rigorous criteria for the next phase.

Suzhou has been doing its homework to prepare for the event, including cleaning up the urban environment, constructing urban transportation and reception facilities, and enhancing security.

(China.org.cn February 18, 2004)

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