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Fireworks, Light Shows to Celebrate the National Day

On October 1, the National Day Fireworks Display and A Symphony of Lights will be staged simultaneously to light up Hong Kong Victoria Harbor.
A 23-minute fireworks display, sponsored by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and coordinated by the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau, will be showcased along the Victoria Harbor waterfront to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. A total of 28,300 pieces of firing shells will be discharged in the display, beginning at 8 PM.
Divided into 10 spectacular scenes, the fireworks will, for the first time, be discharged from four barges, making the display more panoramic.
The display can be seen from many vantage points on both sides of the harbor, including Mid-levels, Central District, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Hung Hom Bypass.
To increase their enjoyment, special music for the fireworks display will be broadcast along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront and the Golden Bauhinia Square, and viewers can also tune to Radio Television Hong Kong Radio Four (FM 97.6 - 98.9) for synchronized music.
During the coming "Golden Week" of the Chinese mainland from October 2 to 7, A Symphony of Lights will be enhanced with rooftop pyrotechnics. The number of buildings staging rooftop pyrotechnics will be increased from 10 to 12. The new buildings are Jardine House and Hopewell Center.
A Symphony of Lights is a world class multi-media light and sound show. It combines special interactive light and musical effects to tell the story of Hong Kong through showcasing the key buildings along the waterfront of the Victoria Harbor. It is a brand new tourism project and will be a permanent enhancement to Hong Kong's already spectacular harbor view. 

(Xinhua News Agency October 1, 2004)

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