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US Interference in HK Affairs Rejected

The Office of Commissioner of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong on Tuesday firmly rejected Washington's rude interference in China's internal affairs and the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The commissioner's office said the US House of Representatives on Monday adopted a resolution expressing support for freedom in Hong Kong at the instigation of several anti-China congressmen, including Christopher Cox.

The HKSAR has just successfully concluded an election for the Legislative Council (LegCo), with 60 legislators elected by Hong Kong people through the most democratic way in Hong Kong's history.

The election has set a new milestone in Hong Kong's history of democratic development, said the office.

Facts prove once again that since 1997 when Hong Kong was returned to the motherland, Hong Kong residents have been enjoying unprecedented democratic rights and freedom, said the office.

It is also proved that Hong Kong has been progressing under the principle of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law, it added.

In the past seven years, the Chinese Central Government and the HKSAR government have been handling affairs by unswervingly upholding the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and the exercise of high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong, as well as the Basic Law.

The Central Government and the HKSAR government have also been making utmost efforts to guarantee the well-being of Hong Kong residents and to firmly safeguard the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, said the office.

The US House of Representatives' adoption of the resolution, that is not based on facts, not only hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, but also harmed the smooth development of the Sino-US relations, said the office.

The commissioner's office urged the US Congress to immediately stop its interference in China's internal affairs.
(Xinhua News Agency September 15, 2004)

China Criticizes UK Report on HK Affairs
US Should Stop Interfering in HK Affairs: FM
China Opposes Foreign Interference in HK Affairs
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