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Entertainment Venues Commit to Anti-drugs Campaign

An anti-drugs campaign was launched in seven cities – Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Harbin, Wuhan and Urumqi – yesterday involving 10,000 entertainment venues pledging to combat drug use in their establishments.

Venue staff and members of the public signed commitments against drug use, while venue owners promised not to allow drug use on their premises, to increase awareness amongst their customers and to provide them with a sound and healthy environment.

Zhang Xinfeng, deputy director of the National Narcotics Control Commission and vice-minister of public security, said there has been a surge in the recreational use of drugs such as methamphetamine (also known as ice) and an increase in numbers of drug users.

Speaking at the launch ceremony in Beijing, he said this has been especially noticeable in venues such as KTV (karaoke and music TV) clubs.

According to Zhang, China has been fighting hard to reduce drug use in the past decade. In April this year, a nationwide "people's war" against drugs was announced, during which local public security bureaus and cultural, industrial and commercial bodies would target the use and sale of drugs in places of entertainment.

Between April and July, 2,182.3 kg of ice had been seized, up 9.5 percent year-on-year, according to the public security ministry in September.

Zhang said a team of officials has been formed to inspect venues, and venue staff found guilty of drug-related offences would be given severe penalties.

Officials in charge of venue supervision who did not fulfill their duties would also be punished, he said.

Launch ceremony in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Signing anti-drug commitments in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province.

(Xinhua News Agency, China.org.cn October 17, 2005)

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