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Coal Price on the Rise in China
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China's coal price continued rising while export declined in September, according to latest reports from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).


The two reports on coal supply conditions released by the NDRC on Tuesday show that in coal-consuming coastal areas, the per-ton price of coal went up an average of 5 yuan (about US$0.625) in September.


The per-ton price of coal for power plants increased to 515-525 yuan in Guangzhou and 505-515 yuan in Shanghai and Ningbo by the end of September, it said.


As the price increased, coal exports fell in September, according to the report.


Coal exports fell 9.1 percent year on year to 4.93 million tons in September, a cut of 491,000 tons; the figure for the first nine months was 47.22 million tons, down 12.8 percent, or 6.95 million tons less than the same period last year.


The NDRC attributes the price hikes to rising transportation cost and market demand, fueled by heavier dependence on coal by power plants and preliminary stockpile for heat supply in the coming winter season.


China's coal output in the first nine months totaled 1.57 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 8.4 percent, or 121.9 million tons more than the same period of last year. The government abolished export tax rebate on coal as of Sept. 15.


(Xinhua News Agency November 2, 2006)


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