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Three Domestic Futures Exchanges Realized Communication Link-up

Zhengzhou Commodities Exchange (ZCE), Shanghai Futures Exchange (SFE) and Dalian Commodities Exchange (DCE) have lately realized communication linking-up, as reported.

Majored in wheat, green gram, soybean, natural rubber, copper and aluminum, the three futures exchanges are dubbed as top three in China. Over 100 futures companies have logged in Zhengzhou Commodities Exchange and members can enter any buffer network of the three via telnet-trading system to undertake futures deals.

Satellite and DDN technologies have been applied for the establishment of high-speed and reliable hot backup communication connection, through which traders can be rendered with services like information sharing, inquiring and commission trading by accessing the trading systems of other members. Besides, the ability for the three exchanges to recognize and head off risks has been strengthened thanks to hardware sharing and interactive supervision.

AS experts of the circle point out the communication linking-up has indicated that the domestic futures market is making a first step towards unification from regional separation, and this will be followed with trading linking. According to the international routine, the third step is to build up an online exchange without intermediary.

(People's Daily 06/22/2001)

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