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Beijing to Improve Foreign Business Support

Foreign businesses operating in Beijing will be better served in the future as the local government upgrades the investment environment, said Mayor Liuqi Sunday in Beijing.

Liu Qi, mayor of Beijing, said during his meeting with the visiting chairman of the General Electric Company (GE), Jeffrey R. Immelt, that a series of measures will enhance the efficiency of the government and eliminate administrative red tape.

Liu said that Beijing, in the years ahead will become an investment paradise for foreign businesses with China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Beijing hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.

The mayor encouraged multinationals such as GE to broaden business cooperation with the capital city and to help make 2008 Beijing Olympics the most successful one in world sports' history

Beijing will enlarge its investment in public services such as electricity generation, and heating and cooling systems by reducing burning coals and increasing consuming natural gas according to Liu, who hopes that GE will participate more in Beijing's development.

(Xinhua News Agency 10/07/2001)

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