November 22, 2002

OAS Approves Anti-Terrorism Convention

The Secretary General Luigi Einaudi of the Organization of American States (OAS) termed the Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism as a " practical agreement" Tuesday, which was signed on the eve of the 32nd General Assembly of the hemispheric organization.

According to reports reaching Havana from Bridgetown, Barbados's capital, where the meeting is taking place, Einaudi labeled the convention "as a practical agreement that allows collaboration without violating human rights."

He added that from Tuesday, every signatory will have to better organize and coordinate its resources to strengthen the continental fight against terrorism.

Another obligation is the creation of institutions better suited to fight terrorism.

Four nations of the 34-member OAS -- Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Dominica and The Dominican Republic -- did not sign the document. They said they needed additional time to follow procedures and seek the approval of their respective parliaments.

(Xinhua News Agency June 5, 2002)

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