The smoking of imported foreign cigars once was described as a symbol of bourgeois decadence during the "cultural revolution."
Despite this, China developed a small cigar-making industry on the back of its cigarette production. However, Chinese cigars have not become sought after on the international market.
After several decades when cigar smoking virtually disappeared in China, it is becoming fashionable again among certain elites in China.
Davidoff, Dannemann and Macanudo are already in Beijing and they're doing well.
To tap into the rising market, domestic cigarette manufacturers are starting to produce cigars and numerous brands are found on the market.
Opened in 1993, Davidoff was the first to open a cigar store in Beijing. Located in the Palace Hotel on Wangfujing Dajie, the store offers an extensive of Davidoff cigars and accessories.
Location: The Palace Hotel, 8 Jinyu Hutong, Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District
Hours: 9 am-9 pm
Tel: 6512-8899
Danneman opened its first boutique at the Holiday Inn Lido, Beijing in 2000, and has become a frequent choice of smokers as smaller cigars become more popular.
Location: Holiday Inn Lido, Beijing, 2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am to 9 pm
Tel: 6437-6688
Macanudois probably the best known cigar in Beijing partly due to its boutique in the Kunlun Hotel, which carries a wide range of imported cigars from the United States. The store has made its name for the most extensive array of cigars in town.
Besides its outlet within Kunlun Hotel, Macanudo has three other outlets in Beijing!
Location 1: 1/F Kunlun Hotel, Xinyuan Lu, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am to 9pm
Tel: 6590-3388 ext 5421
Location 2: 1/F, The Great Wall SheratonHotel, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am to 10 pm
Tel: 6590-5566 ext 2391
Location 3: 1/F Scitech Shopping Centre, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am to 9 pm
Tel: 8511-0847
Location 4: Parkso, 101 Fuxingmennei Dajie, Xicheng District
Hours: 9 am to 9 pm
Tel: 66058312
Yinian Century
There are numerous cigars produced in China now. Yinian Century is among the most famous.
The cigar was first produced in Southwest China's Sichuan Province.
Yinian Century was Mao's favourite, named after Yinian Hall where he used to meet foreign guests while smoking cigars.
At present, Yinian cigar can be found on several cigar retailers bearing YNC on the tag. For more info: Tel: 6821-1748
Red Capital
These cigars look and smell differently. No hint of incense, definitely hand-rolled and decorated with an interesting band imprinted with the name "Red Capital."
When Red Capital Club in Dongsi was opened in 1999, the restaurant and guest house became popular among tourists and expatriates in Beijing for its courtyard style and its theme on the communist ideal of the 1950s.
A cigar aficionado tasting the cigar comments: "There is no sign of Cuban origin - no triple cap construction and the tobacco in the filler did not exactly offer that unique Cuban bouquet either, but more likely that of Dominican tobacco."
Location: 9 Dongsi Liutiao, Dongcheng District
Hours: 9 am to 9pm
Cigar store & divans
The Courtyard cigar divan
A great way to appreciate that you're smoking a Bolivar Belicoso Fino is sitting across the moat from the Forbidden City. The cigar divan serving Cuban stogies boasts breathtaking views of the Forbidden City.
Location: 95 Donghuamen Lu, Dongcheng District
Tel: 6526-8883
Old Jinjiang Cigar Divan
Featuring old Shanghai in the 1930s with Chinese traditional furniture.
Location: 2/F, Kunlun Hotel, 8 Xinyuan Lu, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am-10 pm Tel: 6590-3388
Besides its Italian cuisine, Daniel's also provide a wide selection of cigars on its menu. A cigar divan is available.
Location: 2/F, The St. Regis Hotel. 21 Jiangguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Hours: 9 am to 10 pm
Tel: 6460-6688 ext 2441
Red Capital Club
The most unusual thing about the guest house's cigar divan is that it is converted from an underground bomb shelter. Dark and a little bit dusty, but crying out with atmosphere, this has to be one of the smallest and most exclusive hangouts in town.
Location: 9 Dongsi Liutiao, Dongcheng District
Tel: 84035308
(Beijing Weekend April 9, 2003)