A Korean Film Show was held by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to China on Monday in Beijing.
The show ends on February 8. It will show ten Korean films that have been given wide domestic and international acclaim, including The Foul King, The Zoo Besides the Museum, Love Fall, and The Mystery of the Cube.
Experts say that Korean films, featuring modern city life and diversified styles, have distinguished themselves among their international peers in recent years. Well known film festivals have included more Korean films, which has led to a big increase in Korean film exports. In 2000, Korean film exports earned US$7 million compared to US$1 million in 1999.
Sources with the Korean Embassy to China say that the local film industry was expected to produce more than 60 films this year, but the figures for 1999 and 2000 were 43 and 58, respectively.
The Korean government has also paid much attention to its local film industry. By the end of last year, more than 30 film galas had been held in Korea. More than 60 local colleges and universities had set up departments on film making, turning out nearly 1,000 graduates a year.
(Xinhua News Agency January 28, 2002)