Teenage schoolgirls are taking contraceptive pills, not to prevent pregnancy but to treat acne.
The possible harmful side effects of taking the pill caused an outcry in Guangzhou recently, and with it the question: whether girls should sacrifice health for beauty?
Hau, a high school student, followed the trend set by Hong Kong and Taiwanese stars, who took pills to cure their skin problems. She bought some contraceptive pills and took them without the knowledge of her parents.
A couple of months later Hau's skin had improved. A side effect of her taking the pill was the irregularity of her menstrual cycle. She told her friends about it but feared telling her parents or visiting a doctor.
Her case received media coverage recently in a Guangzhou-based newspaper, Xinkuaibao.
The safety of girls as young as Hau taking such pills was called into question.
Xinkuaibao started to get more information on this issue and launched an investigation. Later they found that many girls are suffering the same dilemma as Hau. Such cases are common in Guangzhou.
Xinkuaibao then invited doctors' opinion on the case.
Warnings came from doctors that the contraception pills could be dangerous and destructive to girls' health and their future marital life. Though rare, there is a slight possibility that taking the pill could affect some women's ability to have children.
(esatday.com August 26, 2002)