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January 17, 2003 - January 24, 2003
4,004 White Cranes Winter at Poyang Lake
A total of 4,004 white cranes, one of the world's rarest bird species, have been counted in a recent survey of migratory birds wintering over at Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in east China's Jiangxi Province.
Zhang Guangqing and His Inner-drawing Institute
One artist’s drive and vision have done much to turn a traditional folk art into an internationally recognized fine art genre. The following is the story about Zhang Guangqing, a master of the inner-drawing arts, and his art school in east China's Shandong Province.
Media Distribution Market to Open Wider
The General Administration of Press and Publications plans to implement new regulations authorizing the entry of overseas investment into China's media distribution market.
Return of Lost Relics to Original Countries Urged
At a forum held Tuesday in Beijing, China's most distinguished relics experts urged the return of lost artifacts, especially those obtained illegally, to their original countries.
FM Spokeswoman on China's Anti-Terrorism Stance
Appraising positively the United Nations Security Council Ministerial Meeting on Counter-Terrorism that opened Monday in New York, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue Tuesday reiterated China's stance on anti-terrorism.
Health Care System: Challenges and Opportunities
As an important part of a xiaokang (well-to-do) society, China’s health care system sets high goals for its development in the next two decades. On the road leading to these goals, there are challenges as well as opportunities.
Vice Premier Urges Best Use of Water Resources in NW China
Chinese Vice Premier Wen Jiabao called for the best allocation of water resources in the country's northwest region, where water shortage is a barrier to economic development.
Silt Deposits Annoy People Along the Yellow River
The silt deposits in the lower reaches of the Yellow River have posed a threat to the lives and property of people living in the river valley.
New Beijing Municipal Government Elected
A new Beijing municipal government was elected during the first session of the 12th Beijing Municipal People's Congress, which closed yesterday.
Ten Most Famous Mountains Selected
A list of China's 10 most famous mountains was published in Beijing Friday. The selection standards included reputation, cultural heritage, ecological environment and scenery. The 10 were chosen from a list of 42 mountains.
Experts Say No to Panda Cloning
While protection of the endangered Giant Panda is drawing increasing concern from the world, its cloning is confronted with strong objections from experts, who say the technology cannot help improve the rare creature’s hereditary diversity -- a key to its protection.
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