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Home > National Governance

Building a Community with a Shared Future

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Building a Community with a Shared Future

In his speech at the seventieth session of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2015, Xi Jinping said, "In today's world, all countries are interdependent and share a common future. We should renew our commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, build a new model of international relations based on cooperation for the benefit of all, and create a community with a shared future for mankind."

At this crucial juncture in a fast-evolving world, we are faced with unprecedented challenges. No country can detach itself from our interconnected world. We must all work together as responsible partners and coordinate our efforts to meet these challenges. Humanity increasingly finds itself in a global village, with unprecedented levels of interconnectedness, interdependence, cooperation and synergy between countries. Therefore a community with a shared future is gradually taking shape, where the interests of all countries are increasingly intertwined. 

Strengthening such a community requires consultation and coordination between countries as equal partners on the basis of mutual understanding. It is crucial to create a fair, just, and participatory security framework, pursue innovative, inclusive and green development, promote exchanges between civilizations, and preserve and protect ecosystems and the natural environment. 

The principle of equality of all nations must be respected. Power politics that subjects small, weak or poor nations to bullying, or intimidation must be rejected. We should uphold multilateralism, and embrace a new approach to international relations by forging global partnerships instead of antagonistic blocs, and by engaging in dialogue instead of confrontation. A new concept of security that focuses on joint and comprehensive measures and cooperation is needed to ensure lasting security. The United Nations and its Security Council should play a central role in maintaining peace and security. Disputes should be resolved through dialogue and consultation. 

It is critical to enhance global economic connectivity across all sectors, and promote constructive interactions between countries. Also critical are efforts to improve global economic and financial governance, so as to narrow the global development gap and share more widely the benefits accruing from world economic growth. Exchanges and dialogues between civilizations and between economies with different development models should continue, so that they can learn from each other and pursue their shared development goals. 

Effective measures must be taken to tackle problems brought about by industrialization. We should all strive to maintain harmony between man and nature, and promote sustainable development and human development on a global scale. We should all cooperate in search of win-win solutions, learn from each other, contribute to meeting our common development challenges, and build an inclusive world where the rule of law is respected and justice reigns.   





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