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Home > National Governance

Building a Structure of National Governance by the People and for the People

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Building a Structure of National Governance by the People and for the People

The initiative to build a structure of national governance by the people and for the people is a highlight of the Outline of the 13th Five-year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2016-2020), released in March 2016. It emphasizes the participatory nature of the process in contrast to one that pits the governing elite against the governed. It will guide our efforts to modernize China's governance structure.

Central to governance by the people and for the people is full participation in processes that bear on the wellbeing of society as a whole and on the full enjoyment of the resulting benefits by all members of society. As an innovative initiative, it serves to integrate government functions with contributions from individual members of society, balance the pursuit of material interests with consensus on ethical responsibilities, and underscore the need for joint efforts and shared benefits.  



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