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Home > National Governance

Cultural Development Under Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Cultural Development Under Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

At its sixth plenary session held in October 2011, the CPC 17th Central Committee proposed a guideline for continued cultural development under socialism with Chinese characteristics in order to make China a socialist country with advanced culture. Such strategy for cultural development covers the following: China remains committed to theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics as it advances cultural development, with focus on the scientific approach to development and the core values of Chinese socialism, for the purpose of satisfying the intellectual and cultural needs of the people. There will be continued emphasis on opening up to the outside world and on traditional culture as a source of enrichment to this process, which is also to be driven by innovation. 

It was also pointed out at the plenary session that "culture is an area that needs innovation the most as it defines the way in which a new era takes shape. Reform and innovation are therefore the driver and solution if we want to make China a socialist country with advanced culture." Following extensive deliberations, the CPC plenary session provided us with the guideline and associated principles for advancing cultural development under socialism with Chinese characteristics.  



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