Comprehensively Expanding In-Depth Reform
The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC National Congress which met on Nov. 9-12, 2013, reviewed and passed the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Certain Major Issues Regarding the Expansion of In-Depth Reform". The document presented a master plan and a call to action, and outlined its timetable and roadmap through the year 2020.
The general goals of expanding in-depth reform are to refine and develop the institutions of Chinese socialism, and to modernize the nation's governance system and governance capabilities. Comprehensively expanding in-depth reform does not just mean promoting reform in a single sector, nor does it just mean promoting reform in multiple sectors. It involves reform in all sectors, including the economy, politics, culture, society, the environment, defense and the military, and external opening-up. It is a task not only for this phase of development, but one which must be carried on from one generation to the next.
Reform and opening up are always ongoing and will never end. The comprehensive expansion of in-depth reform requires the courage to tackle the hardest tasks and address the most challenging issues. It requires working hard to improve institutions which allow the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation and enable the government to play a more effective role, while always keeping the focus on economic reform. The basic aim of this expansion is to promote social justice and fairness so that the achievements of reform and development can benefit all the people more equitably and give them a greater sense of having benefited.