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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Updated:2019-04-15 | By:China.org.cn

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The idea of creating a new multilateral bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), was first evoked by Xi Jinping in October 2013. After more than 800 days of combined preparatory efforts by 57 countries, the AIIB was formally established, in accordance with China’s proposal, on December 25, 2015 in Beijing. The bank held its opening ceremony on January 16, 2016.

The AIIB is a regional inter-governmental development institution focused on supporting infrastructure development. It is the first multinational financial institution to be sponsored by China. By the end of January 2019, it had a total of 93 members – second only to the membership of the World Bank – including most UN Security Council permanent members and G20 members.

Focusing on infrastructure connectivity, the AIIB has approved loans worth US$7.5 billion to 13 countries in east, southeast, south, central and west Asia and Africa, attracting nearly US$40 billion of other investment into relevant infrastructure projects.

As a multilateral development bank, the AIIB operates according to its own standards. All countries along the Belt and Road can obtain loans, provided that their projects (a) are financially viable, (b) are environmentally friendly, and (c) have the support of local communities.

Among other sectors, the bank is initially investing in energy and electricity, transport, telecommunications, rural and agricultural infrastructure, water supply and sewerage, environmental protection, urban development, and logistics.


2013年 10 月,习近平提出了筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称“亚投行”)的倡议。在历经800 余天筹备后,由中国倡议成立、57 国共同筹建的亚投行于 2015 年 12 月 25 日在北京宣告成立。2016 年 1 月 16 日,亚投行举行了开业仪式。亚投行是一个政府间性质的区域多边开发机构,重点支持基础设施建设,这是首个由中国倡议设立的多边金融机构。截止到 2019年 1月,共有 93 个成员,总成员数仅次于世界银行,涵盖了联合国安理会常任理事国和二十国集团中的绝大多数成员国。几年来,亚投行以基础设施互联互通项目为重点,累计批准贷款75亿美元,覆盖东亚、东南亚、南亚、中亚、西亚、非洲等6个地区13个国家,撬动其他投资近400亿美元进入相关基础设施投资项目。亚投行作为多边开发银行有其单独的业务标准,“一带一路”沿线国家都可以获得亚投行的贷款,但必须满足三个条件:一是金融可持续发展,二是项目要环保,三是项目受到该地区民众的欢迎。亚投行初期投资的重点领域包括能源与电力、交通和电信、农村和农业基础设施、供水与污水处理、环境保护、城市发展以及物流等。

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