Mongolia: "Steppe Road" Program

(The Belt and Road Initiative 2019)

Updated:2019-04-17 |

Mongolia: "Steppe Road" Program

Unveiled in November 2014, Mongolia's "Steppe Road" Program relies on the country's strategically important location on the Eurasian continent to reinvigorate its economy by improving transport and trade.

With an estimated investment of US$50 billion, projects envisioned under the "Steppe Road" Program include a 997-kilometer-long expressway linking China and Russia, 1,100 kilometers of power transmission lines, and expansion of existing railways as well as gas and oil pipelines.

The Mongolian government believes that the program will bring business opportunities to the areas the new arteries traverse, and improve productivity in many sectors. It will benefit, in particular, Mongolia's pillar industries – energy and mining – and provide them with a launching pad for transformational change. As the leaders of China and Mongolia have affirmed on multiple occasions, the Belt and Road Initiative and the "Steppe Road" Program dovetail neatly with each other and will contribute to development efforts of both countries.


2014年11月,蒙古国提出基于地处欧亚之间的地理优势,准备实施“草原之路”计划,旨在通过运输和贸易振兴蒙古国经济。“草原之路”计划由5个项目组成,总投资需求约为500亿美元,具体包括:建设长达 997千米的高速公路直通中俄,新建输电线路 1100千米,在蒙古现有铁路基础上进行扩展,对天然气和石油管道进行扩建。蒙古国政府认为,“草原之路”计划将为蒙古国新建交通干道沿线地区带来更多的商机,并可带动当地各类产业的升级改造。蒙古国的核心产业即能源和矿业也会享受到此计划带来的直接好处,甚至使这些产业得到新的腾飞。中蒙两国领导人多次表示,“一带一路”与“草原之路”高度契合,符合双方共同发展利益。