China-Belarus Industrial Park

(The Belt and Road Initiative 2019)

Updated:2019-04-17 |

China-Belarus Industrial Park

During the then Vice President Xi Jinping's visit to Belarus in March 2010, the Belarusian government expressed interest in opening an industrial park in Belarus modeled on the China-Singapore Industrial Park in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. An agreement was signed by both governments on September 18, 2011, and a joint venture, China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Company, was established on August 27, 2012. A ground-breaking ceremony was held in Minsk on June 19, 2014.

During talks with Belarusian President Lukashenko on May 10, 2015, Xi Jinping, who had become President by then, proposed enhancing the strategic alignment between China and Belarus in a joint effort to build the Silk Road Economic Belt, with the construction of the industrial park as a focus area. He went on to emphasize the importance of coordination between both governments in planning the park so as to showcase the advantages of cooperation.

Occupying an area of 91.5 square kilometers, it is the largest industrial park in which China has invested overseas, with the highest concentration of high-tech businesses. It also enjoys favorable policy incentives. Strategically situated, it connects the Eurasian Economic Union countries and the European Union members, offering easy access to international and transcontinental highways and railways.

Focused on advanced manufacturing and services, and attracting international talent and resources, the park is intended to be a new international city, an environmentally friendly, vibrant community that embraces entrepreneurship and innovation, and an ideal place to live.

To date, 34 enterprises have moved into the park, and the number will reach 100 by 2020.


2010年3月,时任中国国家副主席习近平到访白俄罗斯,白俄罗斯政府希望能够借鉴中国—新加坡苏州工业园区的模式,在其境内建立中白工业园。2011 年9月18日,两国政府签订了关于中白工业园的协定。2012年8月27日,中白工业园区开发股份有限公司成立。2014年6月19 日,该工业园在明斯克奠基。2015年5月10日,习近平主席在与卢卡申科总统会谈时,建议推动两国发展战略对接,共建丝绸之路经济带,把中白工业园建设作为合作重点,发挥政府间协调机制作用,谋划好园区未来发展,将园区项目打造成丝绸之路经济带上的明珠和双方互利合作的典范。中白工业园是中国在海外建设的层次最高、开发面积最大、政策条件最为优越的工业园区。该工业园总面积91.5 平方千米,国际公路、洲际公路、铁路穿越园区,连接欧亚经济联盟与欧盟国家,具有良好的区位优势,是迄今为止中国在海外投资建设规模最大的产业园区。中白工业园将以先进制造业和现代服务业为支撑,吸引和积聚智力资源,建成集“生态、宜居、兴业、活力、创新” 五位一体的国际新城。目前,中白工业园已有34家企业入园,到2020年将实现100家的目标。