Karot Hydropower Project

(The Belt and Road Initiative 2019)

Updated:2019-04-17 | By:China.org.cn

Karot Hydropower Project

The Karot hydropower project is located on the Jhelum River, one of the rivers of the Indus River System in northern Pakistan, about 55 kilometers east of Islamabad. It is the first hydropower project implemented under the Belt and Road Initiative, and the first project financed by the Silk Road Fund since its inception in 2014. It is also one of the priority projects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the largest green field investment project ever undertaken overseas by a Chinese company.

The project is being developed on a build-own-operate-transfer basis. Started at the end of 2015, it is scheduled to be operational by 2020. After completion, it will be operated by the construction contractor for 30 years, after which the ownership will be transferred to the Pakistani government at no cost.

With an investment of US$1.74 billion, the power station will have an installed capacity of 720MW and an average annual output of 3.2GWh, equivalent to 10 percent of Pakistan's total hydroelectric power generation in 2017. This will provide reliable energy support for economic and social development.

In addition to power generation, it will help flood prevention and sediment control, and improve downstream and reservoir area transport services. The project is expected to create more than 2,000 new jobs during the construction period, and will spur coordinated and upgraded development in related sectors.


卡洛特水电站位于巴基斯坦北部印度河支流吉拉姆河上,距离首都伊斯兰堡的直线距离约55千米,装机容量72万千瓦,采用BOOT方式开发,总投资约17.4亿美元。电站建成后,每年可提供约32亿千瓦时的清洁电能,相当于巴基斯坦2017年全国水电发电总量的10%,将为巴基斯坦经济社会发展提供可靠的能源支持。该水电站是“一带一路”建设的首个水电项目,也是丝路基金 2014年年底注册成立后投资的首个项目,同时还是“中巴经济走廊”优先实施的能源项目之一,更是迄今为止中国企业在海外投资在建的最大绿地水电项目。该项目采用“建设—经营—转让”的运作模式,已于 2015 年年底正式开工建设,预计2020年可以投入运营,运营期为30年,到期后无偿转让给巴基斯坦政府。除主要用于发电外,该项目还有防洪、拦沙、改善下游航运条件和发展库区通航等综合效益。项目建设高峰期,可为当地提供超过2200个就业岗位,同时将带动当地电力配套行业的协调发展和产业升级。