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SCO Qingdao Summit

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

SCO Qingdao Summit

The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Qingdao, China, on June 9-10, 2018. This was the first summit after the expansion of the organization's membership. The heads of state and government from 12 countries and leaders of 10 international organizations attended the summit, making it the largest and most fruitful summit in SCO history attended by the highest-level leaders.

Xi Jinping summarized the SCO's growth over the previous 17 years and the experience gained, and made proposals and set the general course for the organization's future development. The participating leaders reviewed the implementation of the 2017 Astana Summit resolutions, and discussed the SCO's priority tasks against the backdrop of increasing problems arising in international politics and the world economy. The summit followed the Shanghai Spirit, shaped the sense of a community with a shared future, and refined the SCO approach to global governance.

The summit pledged, in the name of all SCO member states, observer states and dialogue partners, that the SCO would continue to follow the path of globalization and the path of cooperation for development. The Qingdao Summit marked a new start as the SCO began to transform from an organization of mainly landlocked Central Asian countries to one of regional cooperation between coastal and hinterland countries.


2018年6月9日至10日, 上海合作组织成员国元首理事会会议在中国青岛举行。本次会议是该组织扩员之后召开的首次峰会,共吸引了来自12个国家的国家元首或政府首脑、10个国际组织或机构的负责人与会,创造了规模最大、级别最高、成果最多等一系列上合组织发展纪录。习近平就上合组织成立17年来的发展历程和有益经验进行了全面总结,并为上合组织今后的发展作出了系统规划,明确了总体方向。与会成员国领导人讨论了2017年阿斯塔纳峰会决议落实情况,及在国际政治和世界经济矛盾日益凸显的背景下,上合组织下一步发展的首要任务,峰会突出了"上海精神",形成了命运共同体意识,提出了全球治理的上合主张;以上合组织所有成员国、观察员国和对话伙伴国共同认可的集体方式向世界宣告,上合组织将继续走全球化道路,走合作发展道路。上合青岛峰会预示着上合组织从以中亚内陆为核心向陆海兼具的区域合作组织转型,标志着上合组织发展到了新阶段。

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