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Home > Foreign Affairs in the New Era

China-UK "Golden Era"

Updated:2020-01-19 | By:China.org.cn

China-UK "Golden Era"

The United Kingdom was the first Western country to recognize the People's Republic of China. Since establishing diplomatic relations in 1972, the two countries have seen substantial progress in cooperation in various fields. During his visit to the UK in October 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with the Queen and held in-depth talks with the prime minister. The two countries signed the China-UK Joint Declaration on Building a Global Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century, sounding the prelude to a "golden era."

When meeting with visiting British Prime Minister Theresa May in February 2018, Xi Jinping said that the two countries should respond to the call of the times as appropriate to their respective stages of development and need of cooperation, and add new meaning to bilateral ties, so as to add luster to the idea of the "golden era."

The two countries should: (1) upgrade the strategic level of the "golden era," and design and cultivate the future of bilateral ties from a strategic height and a holistic perspective; (2) energize practical cooperation in the "golden era," scale new heights in bilateral economic and trade cooperation, synergize their development strategies, and expand cooperation in finance, nuclear energy and investment; (3) enhance globalization of the "golden era," increase exchanges and cooperation within multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, G20 and the World Trade Organization to address climate change and other global challenges, and promote world peace and stability; and (4) promote the inclusive quality of the "golden era," increase cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and build up friendship and popular support, so as to set an example of realizing harmony and coexistence between Eastern and Western cultures.


英国是最早承认中华人民共和国的西方大国。建交以来,两国各领域合作硕果累累。2015年10月,习近平主席访英时, 两国领导人进行了广泛深入的交流,两国共同发表了《中英关于构建面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系的联合宣言》,揭开了中英关系“黄金序章”。2018年2月,习近平在会见来华访问的英国时任首相特雷莎·梅时表示,中英双方应顺应时代潮流,结合两国各自发展阶段和合作需求,赋予中英关系新的时代内涵,共同打造“黄金时代”增强版。一要提升中英关系“黄金时代”战略性,从战略高度和全局角度看待和规划双边关系未来发展。二要增强中英关系“黄金时代”务实性,推动两国经贸合作再上新台阶。加强两国发展战略对接,深化在金融、核电、投资等领域合作。三要拓展中英关系“黄金时代”全球性,深化在联合国、二十国集团、世界贸易组织等多边机构内交流合作,推动解决气候变化等全球性挑战,共同促进世界和平与稳定。四要促进中英关系“黄金时代”包容性,加强人文交流,增进两国交往和友谊,夯实两国关系民意基础,为促进东西方文明交流互鉴、不同文明国家“和合共生”树立典范。特雷莎·梅对此表示赞同。

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