Electron Beams for Wastewater Treatment
A joint project of CGN Dasheng and the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology of Tsinghua University has led to successful development of an electron accelerator and an electron beam reactor specifically designed for wastewater treatment. The equipment combines ionizing radiation with conventional technologies for efficient treatment of toxic and hazardous or hard-to-degrade industrial wastewater. The two partners own the intellectual property rights of the core equipment and technologies developed and used in the process. China's first demonstration project using electron beams to treat industrial wastewater went into operation in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province in April 2017. The use of electron beams for treatment of dyeing wastewater proved effective in removing residual pollutants, so that wastewater is treated to an acceptable level or suitable for reuse. China's first 30,000-ton electron beam-based industrial wastewater treatment facility became operational in Jiangmen, Guangdong on June 5, 2020. With seven electron accelerators operating simultaneously, the facility is capable of handling 30,000 tons of wastewater per day, marking a new milestone in the use of domestically developed electron beam technology in wastewater treatment.
China's first demonstration project using electron beam for medical sewage treatment went into operation in Xiyuan Hospital in Shiyan, Hubei Province on November 19, 2020. The electron beams produced are effective in killing pathogenic bacteria and viruses in medical sewage. The facility has a daily capacity of treating as much as 400 tons of medical sewage.

中广核达胜与清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院合作,成功研制了污水处理专用电子加速器和辐照反应器,将电离辐射技术与常规废水处理工艺有效结合,以高效处理有毒有害或难降解的工业废水,形成了具有完全自主知识产权的核心装备和处理工艺。 2017年4月,中国首个电子束辐照处理工业废水示范工程在浙江金华启动运行,采用电子束辐照技术对印染废水进行深度处理,能够高度去除废水中残留的污染物,实现了废水的高标准排放或者中水回收利用。2020年6月5日,中国首个3万吨级电子束处理工业废水项目在广东江门建成投运,实现了7台电子加速器联机运行,日处理废水量最大可达3万吨,标志着中国自主创新的电子束治污技术迈入大规模商业化应用阶段。2020年11月19日,中国首个电子束辐照处理医疗污水示范项目在湖北省十堰市西苑医院正式投产,能有效灭杀医疗污水中的致病菌和病毒,日处理污水量可达400吨。