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Home > Nuclear Industry

Cooperation with IAEA

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Cooperation with IAEA 

China joined the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1984. As a designated member to the Board of Governors, China has always supported the Agency's important role in preventing nuclear proliferation and promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Over the past 30 years, China has carried out extensive and deep cooperation with the Agency in nuclear energy development, nuclear technology application, nuclear safety, security and safeguards, and nuclear human resources development. 

As an important player in the Agency's activities, China has been committed to the development of the Agency's technical standards and guidelines on nuclear safety, security and emergency preparedness and response, contributing Chinese expertise and knowledge to global nuclear governance and international nuclear legislative framework. China actively participates in the Agency's international nuclear information system, international nuclear data cooperation and research, and exchange and cooperation mechanisms on nuclear fuel, nuclear waste and nuclear technology applications, sharing China's experience for international nuclear power development. China has also cooperated with the IAEA in establishing the Training Center for Nuclear Power Capacity Building, the Capacity Building Center for Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response, the Collaborating Center for Nuclear Security Technologies, the Collaborating Center for Nuclear Techniques in Plant Mutation Breeding, and the Collaborating Center for Sterile Insect Technique to provide resource platforms for building the capacity of developing countries in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. 

As an important beneficiary of cooperation with the Agency, China, since joining the Agency, has implemented more than 180 technical cooperation projects, participated in more than 260 regional and interregional cooperation projects, and completed more than 3,000 international fellowships, training and scientific visits funded by more than US$50 million from the Agency's Technical Cooperation Fund, providing a wealth of knowledge and experience for the development of China's nuclear power and technology, and cultivating a large number of technical experts and professionals. 

As an important contributor to the work of the Agency, China, by the end of 2020, had made contributions of about US$86 million to the Technical Cooperation Fund, about US$3 million to the Nuclear Security Fund, and about US$3 million to the Renovation of the Nuclear Applications Laboratory Project; sent over 3,000 Chinese experts to work with the Agency and other member states, provided opportunities for about 4,000 foreign technicians to come to China for further studies and training, and donated technical equipment and materials worth about US$5 million. 





中国是机构事务的重要贡献者。截至 2020年底,中国累计提供技术合作基金捐款约8600万美元、核安保基金捐款约300万美元、核应用实验室改造项目捐款约300万美元;向机构及其他成员国派出专家3000多人次,接受外国技术人员来华进修、培训约4000人次,捐助专业技术设备和物资总价值约500万美元。

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