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Home > Nuclear Industry

Nuclear-powered Heating

Updated:2021-12-19 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Nuclear-powered Heating 

On November 28, 2017, the "Yanlong" pool-type low-temperature heating reactor proved able to provide 168 hours of safe and continuous heating, which validated the feasibility and safety of heating from a pool-type reactor and completed the first of 3 steps in the strategy, namely "verification test, demonstration project, and commercial deployment". The reactor designed to provide heating for three office buildings was developed by the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The preliminary work of low-temperature heating demonstration project is being carried out in Liaoyuan, Jilin Province. 

On November 15, 2019, the Haiyang Nuclear Heating Project I, China's first commercial nuclear heating project, was formally put into operation, with a heating area up to 700,000 m2, covering the staff dormitory of Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant and some residential communities in Haiyang, Shandong Province. On November 25, 2020, the project to build China's first "zero-carbon" heating city was officially launched. It is expected to be completed in 2021, with a heating capacity of more than 200 million square meters and a heating radius of 100 kilometers, making it possible to provide nuclear heating service across the urban area of Haiyang. 


2017年 11月 28日,中核集团原子能院自主研发、为原子能院三栋办公楼提供核能供热的“燕龙”泳池式低温供热堆实现安全连续供热 168小时,验证了泳池堆供热的可行性和安全性,完成了“演示验证 -示范工程 -商业推广”三步走战略的第一步。目前正在吉林辽源等地开展低温供热堆示范工程的前期工作。 

2019年 11月 15日,“中国首个核能商业供热项目”山东海阳核能供热项目一期正式投用,供热面积达 70万平方米,核电厂内职工宿舍及部分居民小区用上了稳定、清洁的核能供暖。2020年 11月 25日,中国首个“零碳”供暖城市创建项目正式启动,预计 2021年建成,供热能力将超过 2亿平方米,供热半径达 100公里,实现山东海阳城区核能供热全覆盖。

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