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Home > Nuclear Industry

Nuclear Legal Framework

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:当代中国与世界研究院

Nuclear Legal Framework 

China's nuclear legal framework is composed of laws promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), administrative regulations issued by the State Council, and rules, technical guidelines and standards developed by relevant departments of the State Council. 

In the nuclear field, two laws have been promulgated, namely, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution and the Nuclear Safety Law of the People's Republic of China. Ten sets of administrative regulations have been issued, namely, the Regulations on the Safety Supervision and Management of Civilian Nuclear Installations, the Regulations on the Control of Nuclear Material, the Measures for Management of Radiopharmaceuticals, the Regulations on the Safety and Protection of Radioisotopes and Radiation Devices, the Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, the Regulations on Control of Nuclear Export, the Regulations on Control of Nuclear Dual-use Items and Related Technologies Export, the Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Civilian Nuclear Safety Equipment, the Regulations on the Safe Transportation of Radioactive Materials and the Regulations on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. More than 100 sets of departmental rules as well as more than 1,000 sets of technical guidelines and standards have been developed. 

The development of the Atomic Energy Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Management of Radioactive Waste, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Compensation for Nuclear Damages and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nuclear Security is underway.



目前,中国专门针对核领域的法律有《中华人民共和国放射性污染防治法》《中华人民共和国核安全法》;专门针对核领域的行政法规有《民用核设施安全监督管理条例》《核材料管制条例》《放射性药品管理办法》《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护条例》《核电厂核事故应急管理条例》《核出口管制条例》《核两用品及相关技术出口管制条例》《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》《放射性物品运输安全管理条例》《放射性废物安全管理条例》等 10部;涉核领域的部门规章 100多项,技术导则、标准 1000多个。《中华人民共和国原子能法》《中华人民共和国放射性废物管理法》《中华人民共和国核损害赔偿法》《中华人民共和国核安保条例》等正在制定中。

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