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Home > Nuclear Industry

Dynamic Management of Radioactive Sources

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Dynamic Management of Radioactive Sources 

China implements a dynamic approach to managing radioactive sources from cradle to grave. Government regulation covers all actors working with radioactive sources. A national database on nuclear technology utilization has been established as part of the move to enhance the safety of radioactive sources, and the safety of nuclear technology utilization, with a special focus on the real-time online monitoring of high-risk mobile sources. As of June 2019, all 142,607 radioactive sources and 181,293 radiation devices in use were under regulatory control, as were all 73,070 entities engaged in the production, sale and use of radioisotopes and radiation devices. One hundred percent of radioactive waste has been safely stored. The annual rate of radiation accidents has continued to decline, from 6.2 per 10,000 sources in the 1990s to less than 1.0 per 10,000 sources in 2019, the lowest level in history, as a result of significantly enhanced safety in the use of nuclear technology. 


中国对放射源实行从“摇篮”到“坟墓”的全过程动态管理,将所有涉源单位纳入政府监管范围,建立国家核技术利用管理数据库,实施放射源安全提升行动,实现高风险移动放射源在线实时监控,提高核技术利用安全水平。截至2019年6月,中国在用放射源142,607枚,各类射线装置181,293台(套),从事生产、销售、使用放射性同位素和射线装置的单位共73,070家,放射源和射线装置100%纳入许可管理,废旧放射源100%安全收贮。放射源辐射事故年发生率持续降低,由20世纪 90年代的每万枚6.2起降至2019年的每万枚1.0起以下,达到历史最低水平,核技术利用安全水平大幅提升。

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