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Translation and Dissemination of Marxist Classics

Updated:2024-08-20 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Translation and Dissemination of Marxist Classics

The early spread of Marxism in China would not have been successful without the relentless work of pioneering translators. Key Marxist classics by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and some important works of Stalin were all translated and printed in China. By the end of the 19th century, Marx and Engels were already known in China through excerpts of their classic works. The pinnacle for translation of Marxist classics arrived during the New Culture Movement. In August 1920, a full translation of the Communist Manifesto by Chen Wangdao was published in Shanghai. The first of its kind in China, this complete Chinese version of a classic Marxist work formed an ideological and theoretical ground for the founding of the Communist Party of China. Ever since, Chinese proletarian revolutionary intellectuals, Marxist theorists, and translators have been translating Marxist classics in large volumes, which effectively fomented national liberation and revitalization. Translation and dissemination of Marxist classics in China has continued for more than 120 years. Relevant to China's national reality and easily aligned with excellent traditional Chinese culture, the basic principles of Marxism provided a powerful ideological weapon for China's revolution, construction, and reform.

During a handful of widespread international labor movements, Marxist classics served as guidance and helped unite workers in their struggles. Answering the call of Marxism, Marxist political parties mushroomed around the world and founded numerous socialist countries, greatly advancing human civilization.


马克思主义在中国的早期传播,离不开译者先驱的不懈努力。马克思主义经典文献,主要包括马克思、恩格斯、列宁的著作以及斯大林的部分重要著作。19世纪末,马克思、恩格斯的名字和马克思主义著作的文字片段开始传入中国。马克思主义经典翻译传播在新文化运动时期达到高峰。1920年8月,陈望道翻译的《共产党宣言》全译本在上海出版,这是中国历史上第一部完整的中文版马克思主义经典著作,为中国共产党的创立奠定了重要的思想基础和理论基础。由此,中国无产阶级革命知识分子和马克思主义理论家、翻译家开始大量翻译马克思主义经典著作,有力促进了民族解放和振兴。马克思主义经典在中国的翻译、传播已经有120余年,推动马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结 合、同中华优秀传统文化相结合,为中国革命、建设、改革提供了强大思想武器。

马克思主义经典在世界上的广泛传播,指导和推动了不同时期国际工人运动的联合和斗争。在马克思主义影响下, 马克思主义政党在世界范围内如雨后春笋般建立和发展起来,推动了一大批社会主义国家的诞生,极大推进了人类文明进程。

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