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Home > Traditional Culture

Mortise and Tenon Structure

Updated:2024-08-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Mortise and Tenon Structure

The mortise and tenon joint is a major traditional method of connecting wooden components in China. It is a vital part of traditional Chinese furniture and architecture. The mortise and tenon respectively refer to the protruding and recessed parts  at the joints of traditional wooden furniture and architecture, which are mainly used to connect two components. By joining the mortise and tenon, pieces of wood can be connected to form sturdy joints for any structure or component needed. Without the need for nails or glue, the wooden components are tightly fitted, seamless and stable.

The mortise and tenon structure is an important invention of ancient Chinese craftsmen, and an excellent symbol of traditional Chinese craftsmanship. Traditional buildings such as the palaces of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and the Suspended Temples in Shanxi province all adopted this structure. With its interlocking protrusions and recesses, the structure embodies ancient China's wisdom and pursuit of harmony. It is still widely used today.


榫卯结构是中国传统木构件的一种主要连接方式,它既是中式家具的重要特征,又是传统建筑的主要构件。榫卯, 是榫头卯眼的简称,即传统木制家具和古建筑构件接合处的凸凹部分,主要用于连接和固定两个构件。通过榫卯的嵌合,可接长或拼合木料,形成稳固的联结节点以建成所需要的结构和构件,不使用钉子和胶水,就能让木构件之间紧密扣合、严丝合缝、稳定可靠。


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