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Home > Traditional Culture

Shaolin Kung Fu

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin Kung Fu, also known as Shaolin Boxing, is the oldest martial art among all the major schools in China. It boasts the most diverse and comprehensive range of styles and the most profound cultural significance within the Chi- nese martial arts community. Its origins can be traced back to the Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan Province. According to legend, during the Southern and Northern dynasties (420-589) period, an Indian Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma (?- 536) came to the Temple to teach Zen Buddhism and practice meditation. Bodhidharma, along with others, observed various movements performed by ancient Chinese individuals during physical exercise and adapted these movements to create a fitness routine called "body-relaxing techniques" and Luohan's 18 hands, with the latter combining dynamic and static elements. These forms of physical exercise were used to train monks and are considered the embryonic form of Shaolin Boxing. For over 1,500 years, Shaolin Kung Fu has been passed down consistently without interruption. From its origins as a means of protecting the temple and strengthening the body, it has gradually developed into a manifestation of culture with rich connotations and a complete set of wellness techniques. Throughout the ages, hundreds of Shaolin Kung Fu forms have been passed down, including popular training routines such as fighting or sparring with fists, with a stick, with a sword, or with other similar weapons. It has evolved into a unique sports activity with distinct features.

The practice of Shaolin Kung Fu is based on a complete set of theories which infuse Buddhist beliefs, particularly Zen Buddhism, into martial arts techniques. The cultural concept of the "unity of heaven and man" is reflected in the emphasis on the "unity of Zen and martial arts". For Shaolin Kung Fu practitioners, the pursuit of wisdom and strength is insepara- ble from the integration of Zen meditation into the process of martial arts training. This is where Shaolin Kung Fu stands out from other martial arts. Shaolin Kung Fu was included on China's national intangible cultural heritage list in 2006.

Shaolin Kung Fu focuses on promoting harmony, health, compassion, equality, unity, and a positive lifestyle. These ideas have been embraced by people all over the world. More than 60 million people worldwide have benefited from prac- ticing Shaolin Kung Fu. The Shaolin Temple has established more than 200 overseas cultural centers around the world, using traditional Chinese martial arts as a means to promote cross-cultural exchanges and mutual learning.


少林功夫,亦即少林拳,是中国武术界各大流派中历史最悠久、种类最繁多、体系最庞大、最具文化内涵的门派。少林功夫发源于河南嵩山的少林寺。相传南北朝时期,印度高僧达摩(?—536)曾来此传授禅宗、静坐修心。达摩等人仿效中国古代劳动人民锻炼身体的各种动作,编成健身活动的“活身法”以及动静结合的“十八罗汉手”以传授僧人, 形成“少林拳”的雏形。1500多年来,少林功夫有序传承、从未间断,由最初保护寺院、强身健体的手段,逐渐发展成为技术完备、内涵丰富的文化表现形式。历代传习的少林功夫套路有数百种,其中较为流传的有拳术、棍术、刀术、剑术、器械和对练等。随着社会发展,少林功夫已经演变为一种具有独特功能的体育运动项目。



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