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Home > Traditional Culture

Yu Gong Moving Mountains

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Yu Gong Moving Mountains

The story of "Yu Gong Moving Mountains" is a ancient fable from the book Liezi. According to legend, an old man named Yu Gong lived at the foot of two great mountains in the north. The mountains blocked the way for him and his family. At the age of ninety, Yu Gong decided to lead his sons and grandsons in an attempt to remove the mountains. An old man named Zhi Sou ridiculed Yu Gong and his family, saying that it was foolish to attempt to move such large mountains with only a few people. Yu Gong replied, "Although I am old and will die, I have sons and grandsons who will continue the work, and their sons and grandsons will do the same. The mountains, on the other hand, will not grow any taller, and as we dig away a little bit at a time, why shouldn't we be able to remove them?"

Spring passed and autumn arrived, but Yu Gong's determination remained unwavering. His persistence moved the Heavenly Emperor, who sent two gods down to the earth to carry the mountains away, helping Yu Gong to realize his dream of a clear path through the mountains.

The story of Yu Gong is one about confidence and perseverance of the working people of ancient China and embodies the spirit of the Chinese nation to forge ahead in the face of difficulties and strive for success through hard work. For thousands of years, this story has circulated widely, and the spirit of Yu Gong removing the mountains has become an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture.




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