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The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake

An ancient Chinese geographic masterpiece, the travel Diaries of Xu Xiake was written by Xu Hongzu (1586-1641) during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Xu Hongzu, also known as Xu Xiake, recorded his travels and explorations from 1613 to 1639 in the form of a diary. The book is a literary masterpiece, a comprehensive travel encyclopedia, and an important work of ancient geographical science.

The book provides detailed records of the origins of mountains and rivers, the terrain and landforms, and flora, fauna, and minerals. It opened up a new path for observing and describing nature. A representative work of ancient Chinese geography, it focuses on field observations and explores the causes of natural geographic changes. It played an important role in the development of ancient Chinese geography and remains influential to this day. In addition, the book also includes detailed records of local trade, customs, towns and villages, ethnic relations, and folk religions. Expressed in beautiful language and covering a wide range of topics, the book has significant reference value for the study of Ming and Qing (1368-1911) history.


中国古代地理学名著《徐霞客游记》由明代徐弘祖(1586—1641) 著。徐弘祖,字振之,号霞客。《徐霞客游记》用日记体记载了作者自1613年至1639年间的旅行考察,是一部文学性强、内容丰富的旅游百科全书,更是一部重要的古代地理科学文献。


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