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Home > Traditional Culture

Tiangong Kaiwu

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Tiangong Kaiwu (The Exploitation of the Works of Nature)

Tiangong Kaiwu was the world's first comprehensive work on agriculture and handicraft production. It was first published in 1637 by the Ming Dynasty scientist Song Yingxing (1587- c.1666). The book covers 18 fields, documents over 130 techniques and tools, and features 123 vivid illustrations.

Regarding agriculture, the book discusses the impact of soil, climate conditions, and cultivation methods on the evolve- ment of crop varieties. On handicraft making, the book covers the main industries of the time, such as textiles, ceramics, metallurgy, and machinery. It records many technological achievements that were world-leading at the time, such as a textile machine called "flower machine", a metalwork technique that combined pig iron, wrought iron, and steel, and an advanced air blowing device – piston bellows – among others.

Known as the "Encyclopedia of Crafts in 17th Century China", the book was widely disseminated in East Asia and Europe and had a significant impact. It was instrumental in promoting the agricultural revolution in Europe and alleviating the raw material crisis in European papermaking. The concept of "unity of heaven and man" and the humanistic ethical ideas of science and technology contained in the book still provide inspiration for today's exploration of the relationship between humanity, nature, and technology.


《天工开物》是世界上第一部关于农业和手工业生产的综合性著作,初刊于1637年,作者是明代科学家宋应星(1587—约1666)。该书涉及18个生产领域,记录了130 多项生产技术和工具,并绘制123幅精美的插图进行生动呈现。


该书在东亚和欧美都有着广泛的传播和影响,被誉为“中国17世纪的工艺百科全书”, 曾直接推动欧洲农业革命,并帮助缓解欧洲造纸业的原料危机。该书蕴含的“天人合一”理念和人本主义科技伦理思想,对于当今人与自然、人与科技的探讨依然具有启示意义。

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