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Home > Traditional Culture

The Bencao Gangmu

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Bencao Gangmu

The Bencao Gangmu introduces herbal medicines together with standard prescriptions. This is a highly practical approach that validates the effectiveness of the medicines and expands the understanding of them among medical professionals. The book is also an encyclopedic work in the field of natural history, and explores the subjects of astronomy, geography, physics, meteorology, and many other disciplines. It has had a profound impact on the development of world medicine, botany, zoology, mineralogy, chemistry, and other fields.

The Bencao Gangmu was introduced overseas in as early as the 17th Century and attracted widespread attention in Japan, Korea, and other countries. This classic work has been translated into multiple languages, including Japanese, French, and English, and has become an important reference for overseas scholars studying traditional Chinese medicine, materia medica, and natural history.


《本草纲目》采用以药带方、以方附药的方式介绍本草和医方,既证实了药物功效,又加深了医者对药物的认识, 具有很强的实用价值。《本草纲目》还是一本百科全书式的博物学著作,关联探讨了天文学、地理学、物理学、气象学等诸多学科的内容,对世界医药学、植物学、动物学、矿物学以及化学的发展产生了深远影响。


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