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Home > Traditional Culture

Shanghan Lun

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Shanghan Lun

The Shanghan Lun, a classic work of traditional Chinese medicine, was written by the renowned medical expert Zhang Zhongjing (c. 150-154 - c. 215-219) during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). This work established the principle of "syndrome identification and treatment" and discussed the pathology of febrile diseases, their diagnosis, treatment methods, and prescription medications. It is the first classic work in the history of Chinese medicine that combines theory, diagnosis methodology, treatment, and medicine. Later medical experts, especially those after the Song Dynasty (960-1279), highly valued this work, and hundreds of scholars were involved in its editing, interpretation, and annotation, greatly improving clinical treatment at the time.

The standard prescriptions recorded in the Shanghan Lun reveal a high level of rigor in selecting and combining medicinal ingredients together with a degree of flexibility in adjusting medication to the development of a disease. These prescriptions were used by Chinese medical practitioners throughout history, and they showed significant therapeutic effects, and were thus hailed as a classic reference for doctors.



《伤寒论》记载的方剂不但精于选药、讲究配伍,还可以针对病情发展灵活加减变化,经中国历代医家的反复应用, 疗效显著,因此被后世誉为“众方之祖”,尊之为“经方”。

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