Bronzeware refers to a variety of utensils crafted from an alloy comprised mainly of copper and tin that were cast and forged in ancient China. When freshly cast, bronze has a golden hue. However, over time, it acquires a greenish-blue patina, especially after being buried underground.
The oldest known item of Chinese bronzeware is a knife uncovered at the Majiayao culture site in Gansu province, dating back roughly 5,000 years. The Bronze Age (c. 2100 B.C. - c. 500 B.C.) in China spanned the Xia (c. 2070-1600 B.C.), Shang (1600-1046 B.C.), and Western Zhou (1046-771 B.C.) dynasties and the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 B.C.), with the bronzeware cast in the Shang and Zhou (1046- 256 B.C.) dynasties being the best. Bronze casting reached its peak during the late Shang and early Zhou periods. The Siyang Fangzun, a square vessel with four goats, is the largest surviving bronze square vessel made during the Shang Dynasty, and the Simuwu Ding, a rectangular colossus with four legs, is the world's heaviest bronze item discovered to date. Both vessels represent a high level of development of the bronze-age culture during the Shang Dynasty.
In ancient China, bronzeware was a symbol of state power and was primarily used as sacrificial vessels during the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. The utilization of bronzeware was subject to complex and strict regulations based on an individual's rank and status, and the number and size of items varied according to their social standing. Bronzeware reflects the level of technological and artistic development of ancient Chinese civilization. It holds an important position in the history of ancient Chinese culture.
中国已知最古老的青铜器是甘肃马家窑文化遗址出土的青铜刀,距今约5000年。中国的青铜时代为夏、商、西周至春秋时期(公元前21世纪—公元前5世纪),其中商周时期的器物最为精美。商朝晚期到西周早期,青铜铸造技艺达到巅峰。商四羊青铜方尊是中国现存商代青铜方尊中最大的一件;商后母戊鼎是至今世界上出土的体量最大的青铜鼎, 它们均代表了高度发达的商代青铜文化。