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Home > Traditional Culture

Four Great Inventions

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Four Great Inventions

The Four Great Inventions of ancient China were the compass, paper-making, printing, and gunpowder. These were hallmark achievements of ancient Chinese civilization that had a profound impact on the progress of human civilization.

The compass is an instrument used to determine direction. As early as the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.), the Chinese invented the "Si Nan" spoon compass, based on a natural magnet's ability to point to the north and the south. This was the world's earliest form of compass. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), people made compasses with artificially magnetized iron needles, which were widely used in naviga- tion. Between the late 12th century and the early 13th century, the compass was introduced to the Arab world and Europe, enabling European navigators to explore new routes.

Paper is closely related to daily life. Before its invention, the Chinese used shells, animal bones, bamboo and wooden slips, silk, and other materials for writing. Papermaking was invented in the early the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - A.D. 25). Unearthed in 1986, a fragment of a paper map dating back to the time of Emperor Wendi of the Western Han Dynasty is the earliest known piece of paper. During the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 25-220), Cai Lun improved the papermaking process. Between the 3rd and the 4th century, paper became the most important writing material in China. From the late 4th century, the art of papermaking spread to Korea and Japan, and later to Europe through the Arab world, especially Egypt. Papermaking was a milestone in the development of writing materials, which effectively facilitated the preservation and dissemination of culture. 

Ancient Chinese printing technology underwent two stages: woodblock printing and movable type printing. Woodblock printing, invented in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was a process of printing texts and images with ink by first carving them onto wooden blocks. This technique had its roots in seal engraving and rubbing copies of inscriptions on stone tablets. During the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Bi Sheng invented movable typeset printing. His method used movable clay type pieces, which reduced costs and increased efficiency. This invention appeared 400 years earlier than Johannes Gutenberg's movable metal typeset printing in Germany. During the Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368), China developed multi-color printing. Ancient China's printing technology spread eastward to Korea and Japan and westward via the Arab world to Africa and Europe, paving the way for the development of science and the Renaissance in Europe.

Gunpowder, a black or brown explosive substance derived from alchemy, was invented in the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907). There are records of gunpowder production from the middle of the Tang Dynasty. By the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was being used for military purposes, leading to the development of new weapons such as cannons and rockets.

By the time of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), firearms were commonly used in battles. Gunpowder spread to Arab countries via India and then to Europe and other parts of the world. Firearms gradually replaced cold weapons and had a revolutionary impact on war tactics and fortification construction, and many other aspects of technological and social development, accelerating the progress of human civilization.



指南针是用以判别方位的一种仪器。早在战国时期,中国人根据天然磁石指示南北的特性制成了“司南”,这是世界上最早的指南仪器。两宋时期,人们发明了用人工磁化铁针制成指南针的方法,并广泛应用于航海。12世纪末至13 世纪初,指南针传入阿拉伯和欧洲,为欧洲航海家探索新航路提供了重要条件。


中国古代印刷术分为雕版印刷和活字印刷两个阶段。唐代发明的雕版印刷术,是把图文刻在木板上用水墨印刷, 其前身是印章捺印和拓印碑石等。北宋时期,毕昇发明的活字印刷术,主要使用胶泥活字降低印刷成本同时提高效率, 这比德国谷腾堡(1398—1468)的铅活字印刷术早约400 年。宋元时期,中国出现了套色印刷技术。印刷术发明后, 向东传到朝鲜、日本,向西经由阿拉伯传播到非洲和欧洲, 为欧洲科学发展和文艺复兴运动提供了重要物质条件。


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