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Home > Traditional Culture

Feudal Clan System

Updated:2024-08-29 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Feudal Clan System

The feudal clan system, originating from the Western Zhou (1046-771 B.C.) period, governed the succession of power to ensure that the monarch was to be succeeded by his eldest son and prevent disputes among royal family members and nobles over the succession of power. The system was highly and strictly structured based on blood ties with a clear distinction between superior and inferior ranks. It was bound by kinship ties and governed by a master-servant relationship, which ensured the political monopoly and privileged position of the aristocracy, as well as the stability and unity of the ruling elite.

In terms of any positive effect of the feudal clan system on Chinese culture, we may highlight its emphasis on the importance of family and the development of family ethics. Under the influence of this system, Chinese families strengthened family cohesion by building ancestral shrines, developing genealogies, and exercising family authority, giving rise to a rich tradition of ancestor worship, which became an important feature of traditional Chinese culture.


宗法制是产生于西周时期的一种权力继承制度,旨在将君位的传承用嫡长子继承制的形式确定下来,防止贵族之间因为权力继承问题发生纷争。宗法制等级森严,尊卑有序, 以血缘关系为纽带,以君臣关系为纲纪,保证了贵族在政治上的垄断和特权地位,维护贵族统治集团内部的稳定和团结。

宗法制的积极作用是造成中华文化重视家庭建设,强调家庭伦理,形成了家庭强大的凝聚力。在宗法制影响之下, 中国的宗族主要以家族方式体现,祠堂、家谱、族权的制度建设与之配套,形成浓厚的祖先崇拜传统,成为中国传统文化心理的一个重要特征。

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