Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation
Item 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Number of Law Offices (unit) 8946 9144 9541 10225 10873 11593
Number of Lawyers (person) 101220 111433 117260 122585 136684 142534
  Full-time Lawyers (person) 51008 61761 69117 76558 90012 99793
  Part-time Lawyers (person) 17958 17082 15639 13699 12186 6850
Number of Units With Permanent
Legal Advisors
235676 238576 247160 254758 265362 271669
Agent of Civil Cases (case) 526633 592455 640610 667232 767628 781452
Agent of Economic Cases (case) 414229 426358 438672 402669 381146 405133
Defender of Criminal Cases (case) 296668 309767 317108 339549 335267 324454
Agent of Administrative Actions (case) 35865 39006 41785 43800 43703 48115
Agent of Non-Litigious
Legal Affairs (case)
851433 716287 770087 1162715 827057 876696
Agent of Foreign-related, Hong Kong,
Macao & Taiwan Legal Affairs (case)
21618 18793 30531 10609 26788 20622
Agent of Legal Advisory Services
(10000 cases)
489.86 419.20 457.40 403.40 487.41 430.25
Agent of Legal Documents Written on
Behalf of Clients (10000 cases)
125.86 96.64 111.30 113.90 119.70 120.27
Number of Notary Offices (unit) 3179 3189 3189 3186 3157 3175
Notarial Personnel (person) 18159 18654 19211 19303 19460 20015
  Notaries (person) 13006 13083 12849 12931 12245 12093
Assistant Notaries (person) 1428 1584 2103 1995 2556 3018
Number of Notarizations
(10000 cases)
1022.9 1644.6 1249.7 1007.2 1004.5 1010.4
Number of People's Mediation            
Number of Full-time Judicial Assistants (person) 52875 54987 54638 48682 47173 46088
Number of People's Mediation
Committees (10000 units)
98.4 97.41 96.4 92.3 89.1 87.8
Number of Mediators (10000 persons) 917.5 880.25 844.5 779.3 716.2 669.2
Number of Civil Disputes Mediated
(10000 cases)
526.7 518.86 503.1 486.1 314.1 449.2