Land Characteristics
Item Area Percentage to Total
Area (%)
Total Land Area (million 960 100.00
By Topographic Feature (million    
  Mountains 320 33.33
  Plateaus 250 26.04
  Basins 180 18.75
  Plains 115 11.98
  Hills 95 9.90
By Elevation (million    
  Under 500m 241.7 25.18
  500-1000m 162.5 16.93
  1000-2000m 239.9 24.99
  2000-3000m 67.6 7.04
  Above 3000m 248.3 25.86
By Land Use (10000 hectares)    
  Cultivated Land 13004 13.54
  Forest 15894 16.56
  Water Area in Land 1747 1.82
  Area of Grassland 40000 41.67
    Useable Area 31333 32.64
  Others 25355 26.41
Most figures in this table were obtained from surveys in previous years.