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Dì sì shí kè zài zhōng guó guò chūn jié
Lesson Forty Celebrating Spring Festival in China
The Chinese Lunar New Year is also known as the Spring Festival because it starts at the beginning of spring. It is the most important festival in China and is traditionally a time for family reunions. Many of China's ethnic minorities celebrate their Lunar New Year around the same time as the Han people, although some maintain their own calendars.
Mài kè: Chūn jié dào le. Zhè shì wǒ zài zhōng guó guò de dì yī gè chūn jié.
麦克: 春节到了。这是我在中国过的第一个春节。
Mike: Spring Festival's here. It will be the first time I'm celebrating it in China.
Lì li: Huān yíng nǐ dào wǒ jiā lái hé wǒ men yì qǐ chī nián yè fàn.
丽丽: 欢迎你到我家来和我们一起吃年夜饭。
Lili: You are welcome to have New Year's Eve dinner with us.
Mài kè: Zhè qī jiān zài wài dì de rén men tōng cháng huí jiā yǔ jiā rén tuán jù, shì ma?
麦克: 这期间在外地的人们通常回家与家人团聚,是吗?
Mike: People who live away from home usually return during this time, don't they?
Lì li: Shì de. Rén men máng zhe dà cǎo chú, zhǔn bèi nián huò, tiē duì liárn, fàng biān pào.
丽丽: 是的。人们忙着大扫除、准备年货、贴对联、放鞭炮。
Lili: Yes. And people will be busy with their spring cleaning, shopping, decorating their homes with Spring Festival couplets, and lighting firecrackers.
Mai ke: Chū yī nèi tiān nǐ men yào zǒu qīn fǎng yǒu ma?
麦克: 初一那天你们要走亲访友吗?
Mike: Do you visit relatives and friends on the first day of the New Year?
Li li: Shì de. Chū èr nèi tiān xīn xí fur hái yào huí niáng jia.
丽丽: 是的。初二那天新媳妇儿还要回娘家。
Lili: Yes. And for a newly wed woman, she typically visits her parents on the second day.
Mài kè: Tīng shuō běi jīng de miào huì hěn rè nào. Wǒ xiǎng qù guàng miào huì.
麦克: 听说北京的庙会很热闹,我想去逛庙会。
Mike: I was told that Beijing's temple fairs will be bustling. I'd like to visit some of these fairs.
Li li: Hǎo a. wǒ péi nǐ yì qǐ qù. Wǒ qǐng nǐ chī zuì hǎo de táng hú lu.
丽丽: 好啊,我陪你一起去。我请你吃最好的糖葫芦。
Lili: Of course. I'll go with you, and I'll buy you the best sugar-coated haws (candy) on a stick.
Mài kè: Xiè xie. Wǒ kě yǐ pǐn cháng dào běi jīng de xǔ duō chuán tǒng xiǎo chī.
麦克: 谢谢。我可以品尝到北京许多的传统小吃。
Mike: Thanks. I'll get to taste lots of traditional Beijing local delicacies, I'm sure.
Lì li: Nǐ hái kě yǐ xīn shǎng dào zhōng guó de xǔ duō mín jiān yì shù.
丽丽: 你还可以欣赏到中国的许多民间艺术。
Lili: You will also enjoy many Chinese folk arts.
年夜饭 nián yè fànNew Year's Eve dinner 节 团聚 tuán jùreunion
年货 nián huò: special purchases for Spring Festival 对联 duì liárnSpring Festival couplets
鞭炮 biān pàofirecrackers 媳妇儿 xí fura newly wed woman
娘家 niáng jiaa married woman's parents' home or family 庙会 miào huìtemple fair
糖葫芦 táng hú lusugar-coated haws (candy) on a stick 小吃 xiǎo chī:delicacies
欣赏 xīn shǎngto enjoy 民间艺术 mín jiān yì shùfolk arts

Zài zhōng guó guò chūn jié
Chūn jié shì zhong guó nóng xīn nián de kāi shǐ . Nóng
xin nián tōng cháng gōng xīn nián wǎn yuè . Chūn
jié duì zhōng guó rén lái shuō jiù tóng shèng dàn jié duì
fāng rén yàng zhòng yào . Àn zhào zhōng guó de chuán tǒng ,
chūn jié de zhǔn bèi qìng zhù huó dòng shǐ shàng nián
zuì hòu yuè de kāi shǐ , bìng qiě zhí yán
dào nóng zhēng yuè shí . Shì shí shàng , yóu shēng
huó jié zòu de jiā kuài , xiàn zài hěn shǎo yǒu rén
yuè de shí jiān dōu huā zài zhè shàng mian . Yīn zhèng
jué dìng nóng xīn nián de zhōu wéi gōng jià .
Qìng zhù chūn jié de chuán tǒng fāng shì yǒu hěn duō , jǐn guǎn
yǒu xiē jīng suí zhe shí jiān de tuī ér xiāo shī le .
Zhǔ yào de chuán tǒng huó dòng yǒu : qīng sǎo fáng jiān , gòu
zhì nián huò , tiē nián huà duì lián , fàng biān pào ,
guàng miào huì děng . Chú zhī , quán jiā rén zài
chī nián fàn . Zài zhōng guó běi fāng , rén men
tōng cháng chī jiǎo zi , ér zài zhōng guó nán fāng , rén men
tōng cháng chī nián gāo .

Zhāo sān mù sì

朝 三 暮 四
Literally, it means "three at dawn and four at dusk". Through the years, whilst the essence of the idiom has been retained, it is used to describe someone who is apt to change; someone who is fickle; and even someone who is manipulative.

Hé qì shēng cái

【 和 气 生 财 】

(Used in relation to business people) An amiable temper brings wealth; amiability begets riches.

Hé yán yuè sè

【 和 颜 悦 色 】

Describes someone with a kind face; be kindly and affable

Hòu gù zhī yōu

【 后 顾 之 忧 】

Trouble back at home; family worries

Hòu huàn wú qióng

【 后 患 无 穷 】

No end to trouble in sight; endless trouble in store

zhào xiāng shēng yān,
Yáo kàn guà qián chuān,
Fēi liú zhí xià sān qiān chǐ,
shì yín luò jiǔ tiān.
Rén zào měi nǚ
人造美女 Man-made beauty; plastic beauty
Nà mǐ jì shù
纳米技术 Nano technology; nano science
Zhèng fǔ cǎi gòu
政府采购 Government procurement; government purchase
Xìn xī hù dòng
信息互动 Information interaction
Shěn měi pí láo
审美疲劳 To be tired of doing something
Gā lí yáng gū
咖 哩 洋 菇
Curried mushrooms (mushrooms in curry)
Zhēn zhū wán zi
珍 珠 丸 子
Meatballs wrapped in glutinous rice
Mă yǐ shàng shù
蚂 蚁 上 树
Thin bean vermicelli with minced meat
Péi gēn shēng cài
培 根 生 菜
Fried bacon and lettuce
Hóng shāo hăi dài
红 烧 海 带
Seaweed braised in brown sauce
Hăi xiān chăo dàn
海 鲜 炒 蛋
Seafood fried with egg
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