When entering "the kingdom of bee", you will find yourself wandering in ancient times. Before your eyes are bee fossils and rock drawings which record the scene that people living 6,000 or 7,000 years ago are climbing the cliff to get the wild honey.

At the sight of them, you will understand how bees relate to our life in culture and in history. Bee species in various sizes and extra-large wild honeycombs will tell you the biological characters of bees and the secrets of their living habits.
You could also get access to the secrets of "round dance" and "waggle dance" of the bee and listen to the story of "killer bee". Little bees and their labor fruits contain endless knowledge. In the museum, an exhibition entitled "Bees are our friends" is put on all year around. The exhibition hall covers an area of 150 square meters which is devoted to three exhibition rooms where 506 pictures and charts are on display.
Further Information:
Address: Beijing Botanic Garden, west of Sleeping Buddha Temple, Fragrant Mountain
Bus Route: Bus No. 331, 904, 833, 733, 360, 318 to the bus stop of Beijing Botanic Garden or Sleeping Buddha Temple
Opening Hours: All year around (except November 15-March 5 the next year)
Admission Fee: 2 yuan, 1 yuan (For students)
Nearby Sights: Fragrant Mountain Park, Earthquake Museum etc.
Tel: 8610-82594910, 8610-82590094
(China.org.cn August 25, 2005)